[Solved] Allegro Development


Who knows?
Apr 27, 2011
Fargo, ND
Is there a liballeg.a native to the pandora floating around?

When i use freamons dev .pnd the shared version is fine but I cant just stick that in my .pnd. (Or can I?)

Also not sure if this belongs in the C/C++ section but i think its a little dead :p
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hi, you can take the allegrolibs from any pnd that uses it, like b.a.l.l.z, Alex, the allegrator, Humphrey, etc.

BTW; you can just stick the lib in the pnd and export the LD_LIBRARY_PATH in the startupscript.
Thanks for the reply!

Silly me i should have just looked at other .pnd's, cause i got it to work the way you described :p .
Thanks for the reply!

Silly me i should have just looked at other .pnd's, cause i got it to work the way you described :p .
freamon's C/C++ developer pnd also has them included IIRC