So say I don't get a flu


Dec 6, 2003
Darn this is a tough decision I have to make. You see, I currently have a pathetic 90$, little chance of getting a job, and depending on how lazy I am I can get between 3-5 dollars a week for allowance.
If I wanted a flu, it'd take me 22 weeks! And that doesn't include a game or anything. That's a few weeks after my birthday, so i might as well ask for one then.
But, the non flu isn't looking much better. Its 150 bucks after all, that's 12 weeks and man I sure as heck dont' think i could wait that long.
But the gp32 is soo shiny and cool!!!
So I decided, maybe ebay will save me, and it has offered hope. A reliable seller is selling one for 31 pounds at this moment, which is like 60 bucks. It has 5 days left, but it'd probably go up to around 120$ I'm thinking. Its comes with a flash card btw. There's a slight chance my parents might lend me the money (the gp32 should be worth having no money for 2 months! And whats 30 bucks to them?), so I was wondering: if its reasonably priced, would it be worth getting? I'd really like to be able to play in the dark, but I coudl deal with it, especially if their is a reasonable external light source so on long trips I'd be fine.
So to sum it up:
1. prospects of getting a flu gp32 within the next 6 months = nada
2. prospects for non flu not looking much better
3. but a used one on ebay might work out if the other bidders aren't too agressive, but only if
a. its really ok to get a used non flu
and b. there is a decent external light source (for trips).
Your thoughts?
I got my non-flu from ebay from a game store in the US, where i live, and only got it for $10 cheaper had I got it from say Lik-Sang, so don't expect a real discount. I love my non-flu. Its very easy to see everything even in not the best of lighting.

There's also a guide somewhere on how to make worm lights, and I believe if you don't want to make one, there's someone here that sells them. I think they were around $20.
I didn't get an FLU and don't have any regrets at all. If anything, I think frontlights spoil, heh. I didn't have money to buy either an FLU or non-FLU, so I ended up trading a bunch of my game stuff for an unopened non-FLU. Considering that I traded my bulky, battery-eating Turboexpress and a bunch of GBA games I didn't touch anymore, it was a fantastic deal. Some people say I was stupid because the Turboexpress is far more collectable and worth more money, but I stopped caring about worth and such a few years ago. I just wanna play games.
I had a Gp32 FLU, it makes the screen alot brighter where ever yo uare playing it, even if your in the car and its light out putting the built in light on your unit makes you see alot better plus the fact you dont need to point it at any direct light for it to reflect when it is on. it will take ur batteries alot quicker mind, just get the best rechargables you can you can get alot more out of em.

With the light on i get about 2-3 hours in total of play, i dont have the most powerfull rechargable batteries i am going to get ones nearly twice as much milliamps and then u are sorted.

I have been playing in the dark and the light is nearly powerful enough to work as a night light :lol: playing in bed is fun.. ehm :rolleyes:
My sister has a none FLU and I have a FLU, she is hugely disappointed by that fact, and I completely agree with her. I would not get a GP32 unless it was a FLU, it doesn't feel like a real console, you cannot even play it at all times due to darkness.
If you dont know what a flu is like to play, then you should be fine with a non flu. HOwever if you do, you notice the difference straight away and dont want to go back.

"One does not envy what one does not know."
Yes the flu lokos pretty, but personally I play xbox or ps2 in my dark room so flu wasnt worth it :o)
I mean, When do u play in total darkness, theres always a bit of artificial light near me :o)
geeze this is tough to decide! Well I guess I'll just wait and see how much it goes for, and if its cheap enough I'll get it. Then if I really want a flu after getting it, I guess I could ask for one for my birthday and sell my normal one. But it all depends on the price I guess *crosses fingers*