Snes9xgp frame rate


Trust the recursion...
May 21, 2003
California, USA
Can somebody tell me the frame rate of most games on snes9xgp? Also can somebody tell me how well these games run(speed, fps, sound, graphics): final fantasy mystic quest, final fantasy II (IV), final fantasy III (VI), tetris attack, super mario world, super mario world 2 Yoshi's Island, super mario all-stars, super mario kart, legend of zelda III, super mario rpg, megaman x, megaman x2, and megaman x3.
Hey slow down there no need to get on his case. He very well might be asking about the speed of the emulator because he might be thinking of buys a gp32. If that is the case then he would not be able to try it out for obviouse reasons. As for my reply to the question I can't give frame rates but I can tell you that the emulator is a bit to slow for me to really enjoy. You might be able to get by with it if you set the frame rate high and turn off the music in order to play some rpg's. Rpg's work out alright since there is not a ton of fast motion however they are still pretty slow. As for mega man and other platform games its not worth the time. Its way to slow to make those run at a speed that you would be happy with. So snes9xgp might get you by for some rpg's but its still slow but will allow you to save. Snesemu on the other hand is faster and works great even plays games like fzero at a pretty playable speed but has not sound and can't save.
Hey Mangax!

Chill a little.....

Read the text under this forum's link on the main Boards page.....

"This is a forum for very new users and not only, there is no such thing as a stupid question in here. Have any problem ? Just ask for help."

I can't believe that you've used your first post to flame someone! See the topic here....
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Since it's his first post I'm sure he won't mind it being deleted.

While it is to much of a task for me to tell you their framerates, I can say this - Super Metroid runs at perhaps 5 fps. That's low. But it's a demanding, complex game. RPGs will probably run at maybe 15-20fps. In fact Final Fantasy 2 is playable, 25fps ish, except when going into mode 7 (3d map view). So similar RPGs will behave the same. I would expect super mario rpg to be pretty slow. All these fps values are with sound enabled; disable for extra speed.

But good news! New SNES9XGP comes out soon, will run games maybe 2-3 times faster with sound !!
You'll have to change your Avatar back Angrypants, my eldest daughter looked over my shoulder and thought Axeman's beard was a piccy of lady parts and ran downstairs to tell the wife I was looking at rude pictures ;)

at what frame rate does the snes run at? Also would you guys post on for both snes emus?
at what frame rate does the snes run at? Also would you guys post on for both snes emus?
I think you may be asking a bit too much for someone to post to frame rates of snes emu :blink: .

If you read Rico`s post, He gave you some idea about frame rates in SNES emu with sound.

After all, Posts are there to be read. <_<

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I'm proud of having a beard that looks like a woman's groin area Mofokubik. It's actually got a job as an impressionist in the evening, and does pretty well too! :P

Actually, my fiancee thought it was a female's nether regions too (on the screen, not actually in real life on my chin...).
