Snes Supergfx Chip


Still Fresh
Jul 23, 2006
I know this has been asked before and I have used the search and can't find much detail on the subject. My question is, does it look like it will ever be possible to emulate the supergfx chip which games such as Kirby's Funpack/Superstar and Yoshi's Island uses. I know that the snes emulators have speed troubles already but I remember last year when there were doubts that full speed GBA emulation would be possible.

So honestly, any chance in hell we'll get near perfect snes emulation on the gp2x in the future?
"will it be emulated" -- yes, and it already has.

Your second question is very different.. "near perferct snes emulation" .. its certainly doable, but its actually a tonne of work to go the ideal route. The routes the existing works take is the brute force works on most platforms with huge piles of cool tweaks, but isn't the fastest .. an evolution.

So the answer is "if someone dedicates months of life to it, sure", which has been years of no one wanting to do it :)

Emulating isn't a problem, its the speed of the emulation people are concerned about. The way I think about it is that if a game that uses it is unplayably slow, then it's pointless emulating it in the first place.

any chance in hell we'll get near perfect snes emulation on the gp2x in the future?

Sure, there's a chance you'll get near perfect snes emulation on the gp2x in the future, but "the future" is unknown. Someone maybe writing a 100% arm asm snes emulator right now, or it could happen next year. No one knows what the future holds. All we can say is that it is possible, but requires a shitload of work.

EDIT: Hi Skeezix, long time, no type ;)
Queeg said:
I know this has been asked before and I have used the search and can't find much detail on the subject. My question is, does it look like it will ever be possible to emulate the supergfx chip which games such as Kirby's Funpack/Superstar and Yoshi's Island uses. I know that the snes emulators have speed troubles already but I remember last year when there were doubts that full speed GBA emulation would be possible.

So honestly, any chance in hell we'll get near perfect snes emulation on the gp2x in the future?
Since many regular SNES games don't run full speed yet (with all effects, good sound sample rate, low or no OC) forget about SuperFX.

Since Super FX is like less than 1% of SNES games it is not worth the huge amount of work for a few games. Anyone working on SNES would probably spend more time trying to get the regular stuff going better since it gives more bang for the buck.
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It would probably require a dynarec. Maybe someone will pick it up just because they want to do a dynarec for something.
Alright, thanks for putting it into perspective. Just seems a shame since the supergfx games were awsome, can't have everything though. It's not that much of a problem though, since some Snes games were ported to the GBA anyway. Thanks for all your help everyone :)
Yeah I'd really appreciate any improvements on SFX chip emulation. :) Star Fox in one of my favourite games... Star Fox 2 Beta would b nice to play on the go also :P

On a slightly different perspective on things... I wish someone with the know-how could be bothered to emulate the 3D commands in the StarFox rom so that the can be emulated at any resolution on 3D hardware on PCs :P... In Wario Ware Smooth moves Star Fox looks lovely at a higher resolution :o

I'd do it myself...but I don't have the know how...
I don't think the chip Kirby uses is as powerful as the one Yoshi's Island uses.
I guess it could run ok with a quick implementation, if there is no rotation or scaling going on.
While you wait for SNES emulation to go better you can play Yoshi´s Island in GPsp 2x :) Its very playable and smooth, at least at 275 OC