Snes for GBA?!

Lesee, Only 4 times more powerful to emulate?...

BS... To the extreme.

Then why did my P3 600 MHZ PC with a geforce3 Lag at times(all of the time) whilst emulating N64 games?

It doesn't entirely depend on processor alone, it also depends on the complexity of the hardware.

And how could GBA emulate SNES anyways? Not enough ram! 512KB at most, A port and a emulator are entirely different things.
I suppose you could make a new format for snes games though, and by doing that they could maybe do something. But with roms and emulaters, I doubt it.
And blipped, that article you saw on a GBA site was for and by GBA fanboys at the core who have ZERO idea of coding and emulation.

Sorry to disappoint you.
Hey swiss cheesman why dont you:-


wtf i was posting what i saw to show where that person prbably heard it so you can shut the fuck up.
i have a gp32 not GBA
this is a GP32 site

why the hell am i interested in snes on gba

If you're not interested, dont read. It's not as if the board is getting choked up with GBA stuff! Moving to Off Topic, just to keep the peace!


Swiss.... Take a pill.

Not everyone knows everything about everything. Its better to post and be corrected and the to understand than to not post, think you're still right, and labour under this misapprehension when something REALLY important comes up.

For Gawd's sake, keep it friendly - there's no need for this....
RoboJoe32 posted on Dec 21 2003 at 04:39 PM said:
Lesee, Only 4 times more powerful to emulate?...

BS... To the extreme.

Then why did my P3 600 MHZ PC with a geforce3 Lag at times(all of the time) whilst emulating N64 games?

It doesn't entirely depend on processor alone, it also depends on the complexity of the hardware.

And how could GBA emulate SNES anyways? Not enough ram! 512KB at most, A port and a emulator are entirely different things.
I could happily play Mario 64 on my P200 with a Voodoo1, Tekken was ok at low res with Bleem too!

UltraHLE was an exceptional emu though.
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In late 2000 I started working on a SNES emulator for the Sega Saturn platform. Let me share what I found out during the proccess:

At 25Mhz, a very simplified 65C816 CPU emulation in pure C runs at 40, 50% of original speed (that's running _only_ the CPU). There's a definitve need for let's say, 40 assembly instructions for each instruction run on the SNES CPU(including memory fetching and adress decoding). Simple opcodes can be done using tables, but you need 256 bytes per each table, and that sums up fast - we're gonna need that memory for later.

The SNES PPU chip uses a bit-format for their tile data, that isn't compatible with the Saturn tile format. Given that, one has to convert every single tile, whenever the data on VRAM changes (since one can't know when it changes the tile or simply the tilemap) - this too soon becames cumbersome, and required twice the amount of memory for VRAM.

I never got near the sound. The SPC is a dumb chip that eats stuff by weird DMA transfers. The best choice would let one of the Saturn secondary processors do it, because it requires some real-time decompression of samples.

... Anyway, the GBA carrys the three exact faults you see on my previous comments. The CPU is not fast enough no matter what you've heard, the graphic chips eats standart, linear 8-bit tiles, like every other graphic chip that isn't the SNES one, and without a side CPU to handle sound efectively, I don't see any future on that either.
skysnapper posted on Dec 21 2003 at 04:42 AM said:
Axeman posted on Dec 21 2003 at 10:53 AM said:
I'll eat my pants if this thing actually surfaces

seconded ... i'll so far as to eat a pair of 7day old soiled Y-Fronts should that happen :P

As Snes emu on a GBA is about as likely as N64 emulation on a gp32 ;)
you guys will have to film that... but that emu wouldn't surface in hell...
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Takashi posted on Dec 22 2003 at 05:40 AM said:
In late 2000 I started working on a SNES emulator for the Sega Saturn platform. Let me share what I found out during the proccess:

At 25Mhz, a very simplified 65C816 CPU emulation in pure C runs at 40, 50% of original speed (that's running _only_ the CPU). There's a definitve need for let's say, 40 assembly instructions for each instruction run on the SNES CPU(including memory fetching and adress decoding). Simple opcodes can be done using tables, but you need 256 bytes per each table, and that sums up fast - we're gonna need that memory for later.

The SNES PPU chip uses a bit-format for their tile data, that isn't compatible with the Saturn tile format. Given that, one has to convert every single tile, whenever the data on VRAM changes (since one can't know when it changes the tile or simply the tilemap) - this too soon becames cumbersome, and required twice the amount of memory for VRAM.

I never got near the sound. The SPC is a dumb chip that eats stuff by weird DMA transfers. The best choice would let one of the Saturn secondary processors do it, because it requires some real-time decompression of samples.

... Anyway, the GBA carrys the three exact faults you see on my previous comments. The CPU is not fast enough no matter what you've heard, the graphic chips eats standart, linear 8-bit tiles, like every other graphic chip that isn't the SNES one, and without a side CPU to handle sound efectively, I don't see any future on that either.
Do you think this might be deliberate for anti emulation purposes?
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I know this post is kinda dead but,
I found this
not snes, but still nes emulation with no flash cart!

also, does it seem like the GBA is tring to be more like the GP32?
SMC adapter for the GBA
the only hand-held department *Other than future things like PSP* is the GP32, and Nintendo, being a smart company as it is, is getting inspiration, as i will put it, from a not so well known system called the GP32

Although due to the power and resolution of the GBAvsGP32, the GP32 will probably become a rival*eventually* to the GBA Development Scene*Or the GBA become a rival to the GP32 Dev Scene* *like homebrew games*

Nintendo probably is also trying to get rid of emulation due to the popularity of portable retrogaming, so making a portable NES cartridge thingy, they can load the game onto the GBA, and if SNES does it too, whatever the GBA cannot handle, the cartridge-loader probably will help it along

*offnote: Local EB selling old GB games from $8-$19 XD, old ones too, and they are preused*
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