.smc Writting!


Still Fresh
Mar 28, 2005
Hello here!!
I just wanted to ask one thing... is there a way to write a .smc file directly to the gp32? Or to extract it? Just because I tried to make my smc file with the "makesmc" program, and now I just can use it with geepee32.. and I wiped the files I put in (i'm stupid lol...but just new :P)

edit: when I search for smc extractor : http://www.pediculosis.com/albyn/4SMC.htm
.SMC files are only for gp32 emulators. Whilst it is possible to convert them for use on the gp32, no one has yet wrote a utility to do so for obvious reasons.
well, sure! There IS a programm available that extracts SMC images, but it has 3 flaws:

1.It's very hard to use
2.It's mainly used for piracy
3.I can't remember the name, nor where I had it from.