Smc Gone Gay


Still Fresh
May 23, 2005
ok i dont know what i did, but since my gp32 link cable wasn't working, i was finally able to snatch a USB smc reader, and i've been having a joyous time putting a ton of games on it -_-.

and then i deleted this file in my gpmm folder called boot.fxe, and now my gp32 won't boot up normally. i THINK its because i deleted that file that caused it, but i'm not sure. as of this moment i'm using smcrecover (the smc reads fine on the PC, so i backed up all the files and stuff). like, normally when i have the SMC inserted into the gp32, it boots, shows the new firmware (i'm pretty sure, since there's no freeloader shit or something), and then shows that nice menu with the block thumbnails of the stuff i have in /gpmm folder, but now it shows that old gp32 thing, with music/video/games and stuff, and when i go to games, it ONLY finds dungeons and dragons, which is in my /gpmm folder. maybe i fucked it up somehow. hmm.

any suggestions? anyone had this sort of problem before?

sorry for not searching as extensively as i should have, but i thought this might be quicker, thanks in advance!
As everyone knows, SMCs don't just 'go' gay, they're born like it. It probably supressed it cos it was worried about coming out or something, and didnt want to dissapoint it's smc parents who'd have liked to have smc grandchildren.

Or something.

Quiest posted on Sep 17 2005 at 02:41 AM said:
Get the boot.fxe from ED`s file archive and put it where the old one was.

hmm, where is Ed's file archive? is it the one? i couldn't find boot.fxe there.

i managed to get the gp32 working again, it's weird, i had to get the freelauncher (because it could actually read that), and then it sorta works now, but it's a pain in the ass. i guess the guy before me musta done something? any directions?

also, how do i upgrade my firmware? i saw the file on the Gp32x file archives (the one for european firmware), but there was only 1 file in it called firmware.fxe, and i don't want to mess my gp32 up because i've heard changing firmwares might screw it up? :/
Last edited by a moderator: That'll have the boot.fxe that you want (you probably have GPBios installed from what it sounds like)

There is really no need for him to reflash atm, just goto that site and choose a bios and put the boot.fxe on the smc
It sounds like you have gpbios installed... then you can take any fxe and rename it 2 boot.fxe and it will be launced when the gp32 is turned on. (try downloading slubmans firmware and renaming it to boot.fxe)