Dumb friend screwed up my SMC, now files dont load


Still Fresh
May 28, 2003
Palm Springs, CA
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Note: I've had my GP32 forever, It's been working just fine with all my favorite games until today, when my dumbass friend (who also owns a GP32) screwed it up.

My friend loaded a game onto my GP32, it didn't work, and then he tried to delete it in the PC-Link Host. He somehow deleted every single file on the SMC.

So I get home and try to re-install Free Launcher. I hit Start on Games, the Free Launcher Icon with the GP32 Free thing shows up, but even if I have a .fxe file in the GPMM folder, nothing will happen when I press Start. I try A, Select, L, R, nothing happens.

I've tried formatting the SMC, uninstalling the gp_launc.fpk file, installing it, formatting, etc.

Nothing. Works.

Do I have to re-register with Gamepark? I've tried going through the exact beginner FAQ again, both methods (site and IRC) and nothing ever happens to get past the GP32 Free icon.

MP3's work, but that's it.


So can anyone help me? If you'd like to IM me, my name is Insertnamehere17.

Was the game that did it Bob the amazing lemon by any chance????That game has wiped out my SMC twice, but all I had to do was format the smc and reinstall everything from scratch and it worked again.
I'm almost positive all you need to do is just format your SMC card with the "FAT" files system as opposed to the FAT32.

If you use the FAT32 file system, it just plain wont work. Lemme know if you win the circus.