
Nice! I'll check it out later .... I got my feet wet with TI-99/4A BASIC so long ago ...
TelcoLou posted on Feb 23 2006 at 10:41 PM said:
Nice! I'll check it out later .... I got my feet wet with TI-99/4A BASIC so long ago ...
hehe me too (well basic for TI-84 plus :P )
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aapje89 posted on Feb 23 2006 at 10:26 PM said:
TelcoLou posted on Feb 23 2006 at 10:41 PM said:
Nice! I'll check it out later .... I got my feet wet with TI-99/4A BASIC so long ago ...
hehe me too (well basic for TI-84 plus :P )

Me three! TI 86 Plus for me. Thanks for this BlackMac

Edit: Err I mean TI-83 Plus..
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Mind the dodgy pic

Thats soooo awesome, seeing my stupid program running! Nice job!
Just do your BASIC in an emu.. Frodo for C64-basic, or even STOS for crazy game-oriented basic on the ST ;0 Oooooh, you wanted useful...

devestation posted on Feb 23 2006 at 08:28 PM said:
Any Java virtual machines in sight?

yes. sorry to hijack the thread, but i was also wondering if anyone knew what the current state of java was? i sort of remember someone talking about porting an entire dev environment to the 2x and then using that to compile a java vm? or something?

but forget about a vm, does anyone think there will ever be a way to compile j2me apps for the gp2x? i know that there's some collaboration going on between the java folks and the ARM folks...but anyway is anyone attempting this?

also hooray for BASIC. my first language, like many others here.
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rokdcasbah posted on Feb 23 2006 at 10:02 PM said:
devestation posted on Feb 23 2006 at 08:28 PM said:
Any Java virtual machines in sight?

yes. sorry to hijack the thread, but i was also wondering if anyone knew what the current state of java was? i sort of remember someone talking about porting an entire dev environment to the 2x and then using that to compile a java vm? or something?

but forget about a vm, does anyone think there will ever be a way to compile j2me apps for the gp2x? i know that there's some collaboration going on between the java folks and the ARM folks...but anyway is anyone attempting this?

also hooray for BASIC. my first language, like many others here.

Want a Java VM?

... Use GCJ

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seriously? it's possible to compile java apps for the gp2x already? i had no idea.

edit: looks like awt and swing are unsupported...guess i'll have to learn c after all.
edit2: there's an awt implementation as of this week. yay.
edit3: that was this week, LAST YEAR. i need sleep.

i did learn a little basic, though...only thing i made was a fractal viewer program. the fractals came out ugly as hell, i had the formulas wrong or something. and none of it was, shall we say, "optimized for speed". heh heh
Moving from Java to C is easy.

Java is too damn wordy for small projects.

class myfirstjavaprog
        public static void main(String args[])
           System.out.println("Hello World!");

Why all the classes? I just want to write hello.

int main()
        printf("Hello World!\n");
        return 0;

Just remember free()/delete everything that you malloc()/new. There is no Garbage Collector to clean your but for you(that is a good thing for small systems).
Holy, Gorilla.bas! That's got to be one of the best tank-shooter-up games...

Fond memories of getting a bananna handed to me by a math genius. Too bad that was on the computer I owned.. forever ago, and probably is no longer available :(
BBTroll posted on Feb 24 2006 at 08:26 AM said:
Moving from Java to C is easy.

Java is too damn wordy for small projects.

class myfirstjavaprog
        public static void main(String args[])
           System.out.println("Hello World!");

Why all the classes? I just want to write hello.

int main()
        printf("Hello World!\n");
        return 0;

Just remember free()/delete everything that you malloc()/new. There is no Garbage Collector to clean your but for you(that is a good thing for small systems).
That's an awful example, not least because you forgot to #include <stdio.h> ;)

If you "just want to write" something, IMHO it's a lot easier in Java. Embedded systems ain't what they used to be. Conventional memory allocation is being replaced by garbage collectors (.net compact framework, Java) and cleanup stacks (symbian, for example). For hard real-time systems, I wouldn't touch a GC, but otherwise I don't really see the problem.

Apologies for the OT post, but I couldn't let that go without providing some balance of opinion.
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I personally prefer c, even over BASIC ;). I feel like I finetune every aspect of my code and I hate loosing control over memory allocation, which is one of the reasons I don't feel very comfotable in Objective-C on the Mac, I always think I don't really know what's going on memory-wise. But maybe it's just that I never really liked object oriented languages, although I use a lot of oo techniques in plain c.
BenScar: Port that to Linux. :D

yeah... that is what you get for using "standard" languages.

critical: I still don't see the point of all the classes overhead. And just becuase you have the resource, doesn't mean you have to waste them.

BlackMac: I agree.