Hello All,
I got my GP2X via FedEx a week back, and noticed that no-one ported over FreeBASIC or even Zelda Classic for that matter. However Zelda Classic closed source, and I will be making posts on their forums regarding their Linux port of the Zelda clone.
Anyways, back to FreeBASIC. FreeBASIC has it's source opened up, and I know almost everyone knows how to code in it. Actually, it is very similar to QuickBasic 4.5, as it generated binary code. Also, there is no runtime binary required, making it ultra portable and simple to distribute to GP2X devices. SmallBasic is good, but is very very limited. Although, I can easily port my Palm-based SmallBasic apps to my GP2X, I cannot port my RPG games, and other projects from QuickBasic/FreeBASIC to my GP2X.
If someone out there can port FreeBASIC to the GP2X, I will most definitely be creating some games for the device and everybody to enjoy! Check out this awesome RPG engine originally made in QuickBasic and ported to FreeBASIC called OHRRPGCE short for Official Hamster Republic Role Playing Game Creation Engine. The quality of games is very similar to the Super Nintendo Final Fantasy games. If this gets ported over, which by the way OHRRPGCE is also open source and has a huge developer community as well. Will both promote the GP2X and OHRRPGCE, and possible get other developers to make ports of their existing binary-only Linux apps to the GP2X(like Zelda Classic
FreeBASIC website: http://www.freebasic.net/
OHRRPGCE website: http://hamsterrepublic.com/ohrrpgce/
If you guys love Final Fantasy games, and are great at pixel art, and have ideas. This is a very awesome cross-platform RPG engine. It comes with an optional scripting system. If you like, you can create an RPG game with no coding at all, or create an RPG game fully customized to the brim with cut scenes and anime clips using the very powerful scripting system. This RPG engine is targeted to anyone with ideas and an imagination.
Tell me what you think? Is it possible to port both, or at least FreeBASIC?
I got my GP2X via FedEx a week back, and noticed that no-one ported over FreeBASIC or even Zelda Classic for that matter. However Zelda Classic closed source, and I will be making posts on their forums regarding their Linux port of the Zelda clone.
Anyways, back to FreeBASIC. FreeBASIC has it's source opened up, and I know almost everyone knows how to code in it. Actually, it is very similar to QuickBasic 4.5, as it generated binary code. Also, there is no runtime binary required, making it ultra portable and simple to distribute to GP2X devices. SmallBasic is good, but is very very limited. Although, I can easily port my Palm-based SmallBasic apps to my GP2X, I cannot port my RPG games, and other projects from QuickBasic/FreeBASIC to my GP2X.
If someone out there can port FreeBASIC to the GP2X, I will most definitely be creating some games for the device and everybody to enjoy! Check out this awesome RPG engine originally made in QuickBasic and ported to FreeBASIC called OHRRPGCE short for Official Hamster Republic Role Playing Game Creation Engine. The quality of games is very similar to the Super Nintendo Final Fantasy games. If this gets ported over, which by the way OHRRPGCE is also open source and has a huge developer community as well. Will both promote the GP2X and OHRRPGCE, and possible get other developers to make ports of their existing binary-only Linux apps to the GP2X(like Zelda Classic
FreeBASIC website: http://www.freebasic.net/
OHRRPGCE website: http://hamsterrepublic.com/ohrrpgce/
If you guys love Final Fantasy games, and are great at pixel art, and have ideas. This is a very awesome cross-platform RPG engine. It comes with an optional scripting system. If you like, you can create an RPG game with no coding at all, or create an RPG game fully customized to the brim with cut scenes and anime clips using the very powerful scripting system. This RPG engine is targeted to anyone with ideas and an imagination.
Tell me what you think? Is it possible to port both, or at least FreeBASIC?