slight issue with USB...


Still Fresh
Oct 11, 2011
this has been happening since hf 6... (now at superzaxxon b3) I have no issues when connecting a USB flash drive but whenever I connect a USB mouse, keyboard, bluetooth (my panda has no bt <_< ), or even a USB hub, it gives me an error that says "unable to enumerate USB device on port 2" and it stops working... rebooting fixes it...

any suggestions would be greatly appreciated :lol:

thanks in advance...
Reminds me when we connect a USB 1 device on the USB 2 port, it crashes the subsystem, so a reboot is needed.

Are you sure all your devices are USB 2 ?

On Linux, type as root:

lsusb -v

and check for the bcdUSB lines.
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the only one I know that's 2.0 is the bluetooth because I just recently bought it but even so it crashes...

edit: nothing shows on lsusb... only the crash in dmesg...
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So you probably have to remove the battery for around 10 mn, as suggested elsewhere in these boards.

After that, be sure to try a device that you're 100% certain it worked before.
I seriously doubt that a mouse or keyboard is usb2... you will need a hub to use those.

And regarding the bluetooth... are you sure because it's new or because it said so on the box?

New devices aren't automatically usb2 you know. :)
You say this has been happening since HF6. Does that mean the things you are trying used to work before? Because that would be very odd and worth further investigation.
I've tried several hubs that I have around the house and dmesg has been giving me the same error every time... The only thing I know it works is a usb flash drive that I have laying around... (Yes, it's 2.0)

The bluetooth is 2.0 (I double checked on my laptop)
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Tried that yesterday, didn't work...

Edit: out of curiosity, why is the pandora not compatable with USB 1.0?
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Edit: out of curiosity, why is the pandora not compatable with USB 1.0?
Because USB2.0 is not actually compatible with USB1.1, there needs to be a translation chip to connect a USB1.1 device to a USB2.0 port. Your PC has no problem finding a place for this chip, the motherboard is quite large and traces can be rerouted until everything fits. The Pandora is tiny, and as awesome as he is, MWeston just couldn't get that chip to fit on the board where it needed to be. I'm sure he and the rest of OPT never anticipated it would be a major problem, and it really isn't once you understand what's going on, but I'm sure if they'd known how many people would have issues with it he'd have found some way of getting it to work. :P
makes sense... my guess is that the hub I have laying around might be 1.1, might have to fish around to find a 2.0 hub...

anyways... thanks for your help

edit: any ideas where I can get an otg with mini-a? all I can find are mini-b...
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I think I'm getting the same issue wireless mouse worked perfectly through a high speed usb hub until I installed SuperZaxxon Beta 3 this evening. Now, my mouse won't work at all.

The light on my hub turns on when plugged in as usual, but the mouse won't work. I even tried another mouse that was working before and it too won't work. I can't even get my usb flash drives to work anymore either, not even on a fresh boot.

So I guess I need to know either how to get the usb to work again, or how to reflash my Rebirth Pandora back to the stable default of SuperZaxxon 1.5.
Thanks for the quick reply. Where do I type this? Is it in terminal? When I type it in terminal, it asks me fr a password. Is this correct? If so, what is the password?
Thanks, it worked like a charm! But it looks like it will need to be entered on each boot. Is there a way to set this up to not require typing this at each boot?