Slander - issue #2


Mar 17, 2003
Time to fulfill those promises people! ;)
I'd like to release Slander - issue #2 by the end of next week.

So this is a last shout out for more articles people... :)
I only have about 4 reviews, my blow by blow install of Mandrake and some funny pics (which a friend emailed me).
So preferably no more reviews but some 'other' articles.

Rant about politics, the state of the world, how you hate warm weather, how you never have enough change for the bus, etc etc etc... :lol:

Its a general mag so write about ANYthing...

No articles = no issue...

(man, i'm beginning to sound like a record here. If i keep this up i'll get arrested for begging...)

Anything?? Well guess what I'll write about..... How terribly easy the international school hannover region is!!! So easy that I am homeschooling now, when it is slightly illegal to homeschool in germany..... Anyways its coming up in mabye 20min :P
@ Meonlyeviler : Yep, i think i did get your article mate. Cheers.

I get confused y'see coz people use their nicks on here then email me an article using their real name and that mixes me up... :lol:
(which isn't hard, i'll grant you that... ;) )

@ rcx21000 : if its anything like here in the UK then i'm sure the exams will be made easier every year and in time they'd be as well letting you all stay home, read some books and just give you a passmark anyway... ;) But thanks for taking the time to write an article mate. Its appreciated.
Maybe someone could add a summary of craig's overclocking thread. I'd like to see some interviews, especially one with intellecto :)
A summary of what's been going on across all the gp32 forums would make an interesting regular feature....
Good idea TheWub.
Any takers for the job of 'Chief News Gather-er upper type person' ???

you get first refusal though TheWub, it was your idea...
I was just throwing it out there, but thanks for the offer :)
You'd never get me to do it before next year the speed I tend to work....
I'll do jokes, too :) Since my other aricle was broing, this should be funny, and they'll cancel each other out and its like an average article :P
AT BEST it'll be released at the end of this week but i still need some more articles to fill it up a bit more! I reckon you lot can sweat it out another week maybe... :P

[ depressing sounding rant incoming! ]
I realise i've not been doing this diskmag for very long but i'm kinda getting fed up begging for articles... :(
Everyone wanted a diskmag, lots of people promised articles... but very few are actually supporting it by REALLY writing stuff... <_<

I think from next month if i don't get enough articles volunteered i'm just gonna pack it in... :(

I'm beginning to sound like a broken record begging each month.

Anyhoo... more articles people! More articles!!!!
A Sony PSP article would be great. I kind of lost interest in Slander with all the non-computer and non-gaming related articles. There's really not any magazines in the world that are just, "write about anything." You really kind of have to figure out who your audience is or pick a topic, whether it's current events, gaming, or whatever, and collect articles about that. I think the Slander app is really slick, but I was really looking forward to more articles about gaming and the GP32 itself.