Skin Changer Queries

  • Thread starter Thread starter TelcoLou
  • Start date Start date



I was trying out the skin changer package and was able to change the main bakground image by running bgchange.gpu with my altered body.png image on the root of my card.

I noticed that extracts to a bunch of folders along with the imgall.gpu file.

If I run the imgall.gpu file, will it over-write my already altered main background image?

I'm also a bit confused why there seems to be several duplicate body.png files ... :blink:
I've not looked at these ones, but .GPUs like those will be shell scripts - basically just text files containing a list of commands. That means you can hopefully work out what they do by having a look in a text editor. If you get confident with that, you could even start changing them. Probably best to be very confident though! :)
i think there is a different body.png file for each page ex: explorer and music etc, each in their own folder, dunno if its the same way on the 2x or not tho