Skeptists, This Is For You...

The Moose

Nov 11, 2003
"GBA on GP32, yeah right! Impossible! Never going to happen!"

Now, thats not a direct quote, but a generalization of the attitude most people felt before GPAdvance came along. I dont like to be told that a more powerful machine cant emulate a less powerful machine. Man! Right now, we have Sega Dreamcast partially emulating Sega Saturn, and practically mimicing + improving Playstation! (bleem beta) Xbox is owning with Kawaks, and n64 emulation. And Gameboy Advance perfectly emulates NES and at least emulates SNES! Amazing! I dont see any limitations if one machine is more powerful than another. Im not saying its damn easy, but with enough talent and dedication, as now, heck, team GPAdvance makes this look easy! Anyway, I guess Im just wondering if you guys said it to keep the newbs away from pulverizing these boards with "gBBBA emuLAtion!!??1//1
Anyway, I guess Im just wondering if you guys said it to keep the newbs away from pulverizing these boards with "gBBBA emuLAtion!!??1//1

Bingo. I personally never thought it would happen though, although I did beleive it was possible.
i never thought it would happen and didnt care to be honest. but now im looking forward to playing crash bandicoot and super monkey ball on my gp32. once full speed mega drive and snes come out that would round off the emulators nicely
It was split into two camps if I recall. Those who thought it would do more harm than good in terms of legal attention and GBA 'n00bs', and those who wanted to play GBA on their GP32. Initially there was a lot of the latter then one guy said 'actually, I don't WANT the GBA to be emulated!' and everyone jumped onto the bandwagon and backslapped each other.

Basically I just said it will probably never be full speed, and existing emulators are extremely slow, and to not expect anything. As Swiss said, bingo, we were just trying not to raise anybody's hopes up for something that was seen as unlikely and, regarding full emulation, still is.
At the time it just didn't seem possible. Even nes emulation was iffy, how would gba emulation be possible? And the gba emulators on this p2 350 350 ram and a 64 meg gfx card were pretty shite (I don't know how much they're improved now though), and those specs blow the gp out by miles.

I'm still a little skeptical on how far this is going to be playable, I think they may still hit a wall yet.

Good luck to em still, hope I'm wrong :).
I'm an optimist, but we might be getting ahead of ourselves a bit with a preditction that GP Advance will be all things to all people.

Re: opensnes - I too look forward to that, and I gather yoyo will try to get something out in the next couple of months.
The NES example isn't really valid. Because the GP32 has to emulate everything the NES has. And besides, NES emulation is running fairly good at 133MHz in LittleJohn. The GBA has an ARM proc, just like the GP32 has. So that's one emulation point down. And what I mean by that is that GBA code can be run directly on the GP32. Also, the programmers of the GPAdvance project are working on it for a schoolproject. That is a big drive... They might just get it done
I was never actually opposed to a gba emulator being developed. I'm all for new systems being developed, including stuff like xbox, ps2, and gamecube. Why? Well when these systems become obsolete, it would be nice to have a fully functional emulator to play those old "classics".

Also, its another reason to shut up those gba fanboys :D

Kudos to the GPAdvance team though, one recent development that I find amazing is support for 4mb> roms. I don't know how the hell it is even possible.
Most of us agreed it was possible, just not feesible because of the time involved. We usually just say anything infeesible is impossible to avoid people from getting their hopes up. Although just to note, the developers for GPAdvance are putting in an absurd amount of time on their projects. They're extremely dedicated, and I respect them for that :)
Tristan posted on Jul 14 2004 at 11:30 AM said:
The NES example isn't really valid. Because the GP32 has to emulate everything the NES has. And besides, NES emulation is running fairly good at 133MHz in LittleJohn. The GBA has an ARM proc, just like the GP32 has. So that's one emulation point down. And what I mean by that is that GBA code can be run directly on the GP32. Also, the programmers of the GPAdvance project are working on it for a schoolproject. That is a big drive... They might just get it done
Not now dude. I'm talking about a year ago. Jeez.

Edit: And just because the cpus are the same doesn't mean that they just don't have to worry about it. I'm sure that will take a little work and a bit of speed to handle the main cpu before the rest of the others.

If it was as easy as you seem to be making out it would have already been done.
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i always thought its possible :P
no, really, i'm an optimist and playing something on vba32 made it look even better ^^
althought i never thought of hle
and now seeing how things are going, fullspeed awaits (i'm optimistic as said before :P)
very nice work :)

so, do you believe a ppc-system with 300mhz with as fast h/w-accleration can emulate a dreamcast (200mhz) at fullspeed? ;P

the thing why the gba needs 700mhz on a pc is that there's no hle (maybe also not possible)
generalnmx posted on Jul 14 2004 at 02:26 PM said:
Most of us agreed it was possible, just not feesible because of the time involved. We usually just say anything infeesible is impossible to avoid people from getting their hopes up. Although just to note, the developers for GPAdvance are putting in an absurd amount of time on their projects. They're extremely dedicated, and I respect them for that :)
I LOVE EM :wub:
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Dozer posted on Jul 14 2004 at 02:33 PM said:
And just because the cpus are the same doesn't mean that they just don't have to worry about it. I'm sure that will take a little work and a bit of speed to handle the main cpu before the rest of the others.

If it was as easy as you seem to be making out it would have already been done.
I realize that, but the CPUs largely use the same commands. That's why emulating the XBOX on a normal PC is easier then emulating for example... a PS2. Because the XBOX has a modified x86 processor in it, and so does a PC (well, without the modification). The GBA has an ARM7 processor in it, and the GP32 has an ARM9. They're like brothers. Not identical twins but they still look a like.
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