Shoulder buttons as mouse buttons?

How do you type ':' in dosbox?

I've tried 'Shift + .' which gives me '>' and 'Fn + .' which gives me nothing...
On a pandora: no idea.

That is, function, shift, and the , button.

Fn-, = ;

and if you look at your desktop keyboard, shift-; = :

DosBox is kind of weird like that.

I hold down Fn + Shift + , and I get: ;

I hold down Fn + Shift + . and I get: nothing

?? Still can't get :
Huh. Something is behaving different between the L shoulder button and the shift on the keyboard.

Press Fn-L-,

That is, Fn+Left shoulder+comma.

Oh yeah! The keyboard matrix can only handle 2 keys at a time. When you press the third one, it's probably getting confused. The shoulder and game buttons are their own GPIO lines so have no such restriction.

edit: Oh duh! The problem isn't the keyboard limit, the problem is that Fn-Shift is caps-lock. Just tried this and it works: press and hold shift, THEN the fn key, then the , button. Works every time. Pushing the Fn button first it turns the shift into caps lock.
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Have you tried Shift ("L" shoulder button) + Fn + ;? That's the solution given in this thread, and it works for me.
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Have you tried Shift ("L" shoulder button) + Fn + ;? That's the solution given in this thread, and it works for me.

Strangely, that still doesn't work. ... I wonder why.

I'm not too phased tho... as my my 'games' folder is mounted as c:

At present I have no pressing need to use : in dosbox... but it would be nice. :)

Edit: Oops - it DOES work! My bad. :rolleyes:
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Still isn't working for me.

shift (and hold) then fn + . still gives me nothing.

, not .

comma, not period. :P

Ignore the fact that : is on the Pandora keyboard. DosBox doesn't care. To get a colon it wants shift+semicolon. To get a semicolon, press fn+comma.