I actually find it a very interesting point of view, something I had not considered.
ie: If a _freeware_ application is on the repo (We're not talking commercial stuff here, etc, leave that aside), then I simply say that the uploader shoudl be able to remove it; why not? IT is his right to say 'I no longer support or endorse this'; people change.
But everyone has the right to say 'I downloaded this with a Free understanding, so I'm reuploading it!'
ie: Don't be a douche
But the idea of .. you've ujploaded it _at all_, you've _donated it to the public_, so you _cannot remove it_ is interesting.
No one has ever been able to remove somethign _from the community_; impossible.
What the dev is saying is 'I do not suppor this anymore'; if someone else uploads it, they (and if 10 peopel upload it) become the maintainers of it, of that pnd.. of that _distribution_.
So, milkshae coudl add a 'support flag' if he wanted.. are you the author? the packager? or just uploader?
But anyone who maintains an app _must_ be able to say _I nolonger care about it and want it gone so I can stop thinking about it_. Why not?
You could 'automate it', so that if a dev deletes a _public_ applciation, it automatically gets assigned to an "Unknowned" account, thats' fine, but it woudl be a pissoff.
Better to let someone reupload it, and thus claim 'ownership' of that particular distribution.
Why is this such drama? It seems an easy non-douchey way to proceed.. like every repo has _For all of time_. This is not a new problem or concern .. I recall having this same question about 25 years ago
It depends on the license of the application, that is all.