ive had my GP32 for some time and i have been following the development of the GP2X scene...
i would like some opinions on why i should get a GP2X. im having a hard time convincing myself to get one becuase:
GP2X has less battery life than the GP32.
GP2X emulates only on par with GP32 (for now) in spite of being much more powerful.
GP2X runs linux. (dont get me wrong linux is great but i dont want any OS slowing down my system. GP32 didnt have an OS and it did just fine. )
GP2X has weird screen issues. wtf is with the lcd tweaker? why? its an LCD damnit there shouldnt be anything to tweak.
GP2X has hardware in it that i dont want (tvout). its a pet peeve of mine to buy something im not going to use thats bundled with something else.
GP2X has crippled hardware. wtf is with the dual cpu? why would they design it that way?
there are a couple reasons i want one but theyre not enough:
GP2X uses SD cards (yay 2GB!)
GP2X is new and shiny h34r:
anything i dont know? i want some opinions
i would like some opinions on why i should get a GP2X. im having a hard time convincing myself to get one becuase:
GP2X has less battery life than the GP32.
GP2X emulates only on par with GP32 (for now) in spite of being much more powerful.
GP2X runs linux. (dont get me wrong linux is great but i dont want any OS slowing down my system. GP32 didnt have an OS and it did just fine. )
GP2X has weird screen issues. wtf is with the lcd tweaker? why? its an LCD damnit there shouldnt be anything to tweak.
GP2X has hardware in it that i dont want (tvout). its a pet peeve of mine to buy something im not going to use thats bundled with something else.
GP2X has crippled hardware. wtf is with the dual cpu? why would they design it that way?
there are a couple reasons i want one but theyre not enough:
GP2X uses SD cards (yay 2GB!)
GP2X is new and shiny h34r:
anything i dont know? i want some opinions