Setting Up A Development Environment With Andlinux

tom_a_sparks posted on Mar 7 2007 at 02:01 PM said:
I have looked @
gp2xSDK and devkitGP2X and both have failed with command not found :(

You may want to give us more info on your problems.

If it is just simply that you need help to setup a toolchain pop onto #GP2XDev on EfNet and I am sure some of us will give you a hard to get you started.

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using the gp2xsdk_linux.tar.gz
andLinux:~# cd /
andLinux:/# cd mnt
andLinux:/mnt cd and#
andLinux:/mnt/and# cd gp2xsdk_linux.tar
-bash: command not found

I have extracted gp2xsdk_linux.tar and all the files inside

got it working by typing

andLinux:/mnt/and/gp2xsdk_linux.tar# /bin/sh
lol... New to linux, probably. My brother has the same problem. If your having excessive trouble, then log into a user and add this to ~./bash_profile (On kde enviroments, type kwrite ~./bash_profile into the konsole. On gnome environments, write gedit ~./bash_profile into the gnome terminal. Try both if you don't know which. if all else fails, try xedit ~./bash_profile)

Add the following to the file

export PATH

Save and exit. Now this user can execute commands without ./ in front of them.

edit: if it didn't work, do it again. I posted the wrong thing...