All, I'm planning on uploading the duke3d port pnd I made but I wanted to create a pandora compatible keymap for the game so people don't have to fiddle with it much.
Now, for a game like this I could really do with the right nub being set to mouse movement. Is there a way of doing this from the pnd (like how it can change CPU speed). I've done a look around the forums but I'm new to all this.
At present the keymap will work but being 3d you'll need to look up and down easily, and with your right thumb I imagine.
(sorry if I missed thread/wiki with this information in)
Now, for a game like this I could really do with the right nub being set to mouse movement. Is there a way of doing this from the pnd (like how it can change CPU speed). I've done a look around the forums but I'm new to all this.
At present the keymap will work but being 3d you'll need to look up and down easily, and with your right thumb I imagine.
(sorry if I missed thread/wiki with this information in)