Sega Emulator


Still Fresh
Oct 10, 2006
I have the PicoDrive and DrM emulators but find that some Sega games don't work (like Space Harrier 2, Thunderblade and Faery Tale for instance)
Is there anything I need to do extra within the emulator to get these to work or does the emulators not support ALL games yet?
You can't expect an emulator to have 100% compatibility, especially a highly-optimized emulator.

But looking over the compatibility lists at, it would seem that Faery Tale and Space Harrier 2 work.
My Space Harrier 2 works. I don't have the oher two games you mentioned loaded on my SDs. It might be the rom dumps you have.

edit: Just loaded up Super Thunderblade and Faery Tale. I find that they both work OK. I am using PicoDrive to run my Sega Games. :huh: You might try different rom dumps. I have yet to find any games that Pico drive will not run. I use only zip files.
Bit of a silly question but are they .bin files? Some roms are placed within .zip, .rar or .7z files which can screw things up.

You can get extractors to take them out of these files and get to the juicy .bin within.
no they are .smd files
and they still don't work on either emulator even when i overclock (and i have a 266mhz gp2x)

please help - i managed to get super thunderblade working but not the others - maybe it is my roms?

TO ADD: Using PicoDrive shows error '940 crashed' on most of the roms when loading?
spyhunter posted on Dec 30 2006 at 10:04 PM said:
TO ADD: Using PicoDrive shows error '940 crashed' on most of the roms when loading?

You're just overclocking more than your 940 can
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what do you mean by that - i'm running at 266mhz and have tried 200mhz but they don't work on either?
spyhunter posted on Dec 31 2006 at 02:43 PM said:
what do you mean by that - i'm running at 266mhz and have tried 200mhz but they don't work on either?

If you're using 2nd core for sound emulation, and Picodrive gives you an error like '940 crashed' that usually means it is overclocked too much, but if it still crashes at 200Mhz, i don't know what to do :(
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right they're still not working, here's my settings, if I should be using these settings;

Renderer: 8bit Fast
Accurate timing (slower): OFF
Accurate sprites (slower): OFF
Show FPS: ON
Frameskip: AUTO
Enable Sound: ON
Sound Quality: 22050Hz stereo
Use ARM940: OFF
6 Button Pad: OFF
Genesis Region: Auto
Confirm Save: OFF
Save Slot: 0
GP2X CPU Clocks: 200Mhz

Scale 32 column mode: ON
Gamma Correction: 1.00
Emulate Z80: ON
Emulate YM2612: ON
Emulate SN76496: ON
gzip savestates: ON
Don't save config on exit: OFF
craigix's RAM timings: ON
squidehack: ON

I have tried variations on these settings but still no luck - any further help/idea's would be grateful please.
With 16 bits renderer, accurate timings and accurate sprites you should have max compatibility
Also, with Use ARM940 on, 44100Hz sound quality and 200Mhz CPU CLock, you should run most games fullspeed (even Sonic 3 runs fullspeed @ 160Mhz)

If you can't run any games at default clockspeed (200Mhz), either you're doing something wrong (like bad rom, corrupted files) or your GP2X is defective, what I hope not!
Have you tried another fresh formatted SD card?
It's usually a bad rom. Try several different rom versions ([h], [!], [a], etc) of the same game. If none of them work, see below.

As for the options, in general don't bother with 8bit Fast, use either 8bit Accurate or 16bit Accurate. Usually use 940 for a big speedup, but not while testing.

For now, try as reiboul suggested turning Accurate Timings/Sprites ON, and also try turning OFF craigix's RAM timing and squidehack.

Finally, sometimes the Region Autodetect won't work, so you can try setting that manually.
thanks. that appeared to allow my games to work so it was just me and the config file - although i still can't get faery tale and a few others to work so I'm gonna put this down to corrupt/bad roms... thanks for the help guys!!

Does everyone use Pico or is DrMD good as well? I am using them both?!
Some of my megadrive roms weren't working, turned out to be that they didn't copy right to the sd card (I was using the cable + gp2x instead of a separate reader). I found the solution to be to copy the zipped rom over to the sd and unzip it there. You might want to try something like that with the roms that don't work.

Picodrive seems to be the better of the two megadrive emulators, or at least the more popular.
My Problem with the "new" Megadrive Emulators (since the new Firmware 2.1 ) is, some Games like Sonic 1+2 have the "wrong" Speed. (Never had such Problems with the old, not longer working DRMD Versions) With region "auto" The games have 50FPS Max (and constant slow speed/sound) but as NTSC Games they should have 60FPS. When I set the Games to USA NTSC they have the correct speed but often strange Slowdowns independent of MHz/Performance settings. And more strange is that still "60/60FPS" displayed while the slowdowns. ^^""""""
Sonic 3 works perfect. Correct auto region detection and no Speed-issues...
Very strange.