Sega cd games and genesis roms...

nerd of nerds

Feb 25, 2003
I am the poud new owner of a jvc X'eye aka wondermega 2 (i think its 2) and was wondering if it is possible to burn a genesis rom so it can play in the cd drive? if anyone oculd answer this it would b gr8 thanks

P.S. the system cost me $5 and works perfectly :P
here are 2 reasons why it wouldn't be illegal:
1 i owuld only use games that i LEGALY own?
2 who cares?
i never heard of this being possible. i don't know if a utility has ever been written (though, it would be cool). I think you need a special CD drive called a "magic drive" (or somrthing like that) to do that... which'll run you a little bit more $$.
You cant play Megadrive / genesis roms on a MegaCD/SegaCD Or Wondermega, due to the systme not hving enough memory to hold the full rom, the only way this would be possible is if the game was very tiny, i believe the cd ram is only about 64 or 128k
darn, that sux... but i didn't want to load it into the ram, i just wanted to see if it was possible to load a game ;)
it would be nice to have 1cd with all of my games on it in case i lose one <_< is it just me or are you no help at all?
but i didn't want to load it into the ram, i just wanted to see if it was possible to load a game
Loading a game is the same as loading it into RAM. When you load a game it is transfered from ROM to RAM.
Mofokubik posted on Aug 18 2003 said:
If you own the games, why not play them on the actual genesis? Is it just me or do you not make any sense at all...
50 consoles piled up under the TV, that's why!
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ive never heard of a wondermega before that system rocks i want one :lol: