So I found this cool little F1 management game to play in DOSBox.

Year: 1989
Developer: Hole in the Wall
Publisher: Wizard Games
Shareware download:
(So obscure it's not on MobyGames, but the publisher is)
My problem: There are two versions of this, known simply as v1 and v2. The latter is much better, but the shareware limitation is that you can't save games. Keeping forum rules in mind regarding copyrighted material yada yada, I can say that I'm aware of a commercial v1 floating about, but I've only been able to find the shareware v2.
What I'd really like is to drop the original developer a line. I realise the odds of tracking them down are slimmer than HRT scoring a point this year, but it would be a buzz to do so. Does anyone remember this game, or know anything at all about what became of Hole in the Wall or Wizard Games?

Year: 1989
Developer: Hole in the Wall
Publisher: Wizard Games
Shareware download:
(So obscure it's not on MobyGames, but the publisher is)
My problem: There are two versions of this, known simply as v1 and v2. The latter is much better, but the shareware limitation is that you can't save games. Keeping forum rules in mind regarding copyrighted material yada yada, I can say that I'm aware of a commercial v1 floating about, but I've only been able to find the shareware v2.
What I'd really like is to drop the original developer a line. I realise the odds of tracking them down are slimmer than HRT scoring a point this year, but it would be a buzz to do so. Does anyone remember this game, or know anything at all about what became of Hole in the Wall or Wizard Games?
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