Last Person To Post Here Wins

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Im winning again :P

Next person to post after me likes to touch cats, dogs, cows, sheep and fish in inapropriate places and also watches and enjoys ants having sex.
everyone, lets make a big list of words that rhyme with sex.....


uhhh cant think of any others
Cut some bad cheques in my Lex eating Tex Mex
Driver didn't carry out the checks, so he wrecks the car
Have to use my Mechs instead, they have twin Techs, by which I mean Tech-9s,
You'd make good bets to stay away from that or get vexed
Treks across the capital, my specs about to fall off
Fuck a T-Rex, I press a button, then he ejects
I've come to the conclusion that this thread is bad a poorly spelt and poorly constructed (in terms of grammar) mistake. What Rico meant to type was "Least person to post here wins, which is poor English, but at least correct.
Is there a DJ called Kirsty on radio1?

'Cause I just got a phone call, answered and I heard the big radio one thing, then someone came on and said "Hi, this is Kirsty on Radio1, whats your favourite highstreet store?"

To which I replied "Aa...", and then hung up because of my extreme low self confidence.

I just wonder was this a fake or real? Was anyone listening?
Not sure. It wouldn't have been live, just a screening. Then if you're ok they put you live. Hence Kirsty could just be some girl working the lines, not neccessarily a DJ.
Steve-O posted on Oct 19 2004 at 05:59 AM said:
Im winning again :P

Next person to post after me likes to touch cats, dogs, cows, sheep and fish in inapropriate places and also watches and enjoys ants having sex.

so true :P
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