SDXC format issue.


Feb 21, 2005
While waiting for my upgraded 1ghz Pandora to show up I bought a SanDisk 128 gb SDXC, my windows 7 laptop won't allow for another format though. I've tried using the official tool and it only allows exFat. Am I doing something wrong?
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Windows won't allow you to format it in any other format.

You can either format it on your pandora when you get it, or format it with a diffrerent system that isn't silly.

You can also boot up a Gparted live CD and format it with that.
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Windows won't allow you to format it in any other format.

You can either format it on your pandora when you get it, or format it with a diffrerent system that isn't silly.

You can also boot up a Gparted live CD and format it with that.
Alright, should I use fat32 or an ext format on it by the way? Or does it even matter?
The reason Windows won't let you format FAT32 larger than 32GB is because it suffers from inefficiencies when there is a LOT of free space. A 128GB will probably suffer a fair bit during writes until you start filling it up. You can accept that it might take a little extra time to save things (may not even be noticeable usually) or you can create multiple partitions. Windows doesn't let you create multiple partitions on SD cards either, you'll need a third party tool, or Linux system.
Okay, thanks for the help everyone. I'll probably just wait and do it straight from the Pandora.