Sd Card Doesn't Work :(


Sep 4, 2005
So, I've formatted the SD to FAT32 using "cfdisk" option 0B and "mkfs.vfat -F 32 /dev/sdb1".

And yet still no files show up to the GP2X.

Any suggestions as to what to try next? None of the other posts on the topic seem to have anything relevant, and I'm loosing heart at having possessed a unit for several days and still being utterly unable to do anything with it.
So, I've formatted the SD to FAT32 using "cfdisk" option 0B and "mkfs.vfat -F 32 /dev/sdb1".

And yet still no files show up to the GP2X.

Any suggestions as to what to try next? None of the other posts on the topic seem to have anything relevant, and I'm loosing heart at having possessed a unit for several days and still being utterly unable to do anything with it.

I have tried too to get it working in fat32 to no effect. fat16 works but has a timeout on my machine I can normally write/read from it for about 2 minutes so any file over 140MB is a no go for me. I do hope I have pointed you in the right direction. I'll post something more detailed if it still does not work.
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I had that problem but this fixxed it for me "mkdosfs -I -F 32 /dev/sda", you need to format the hole of the device not a partition of it.
SD cards over 1gb are not compatable with the gp2x yet. A firmware update is needed.
The letter that I got from gbax with the gp2x said that any cards over 1gb wern't supported, and a firmware update was needed. I was going off that.
Okay, so. . . I'll give FAT16 a try, and using the -I switch, and using sdb instead of sdb1.

Cheers for the suggestions, I'll let you know how they go!

Oh... and when they say "Over 1GB" - they don't include normal 1GB cards, that are of course a couple of bytes over that. . . do they. . ? :o
Okay, so. . . I'll give FAT16 a try, and using the -I switch, and using sdb instead of sdb1.

Cheers for the suggestions, I'll let you know how they go!

Oh... and when they say "Over 1GB" - they don't include normal 1GB cards, that are of course a couple of bytes over that. . . do they. . ? :o

1GB card are never 1GB, and certainly not over 1GB...

There's a big difference between card size and usable space, for example 256MB card has between 241MB and 243MB usable, depending on manufacturer (low level reserved space, so that before the file system takes a chunk for FAT/EXT2/EXT3/etc...)
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FAT16 and formatting the device (sdb) instead of a partition (sdb1) have now been tried. Neither works: Everything just gives me a blank screen when I tell it to look at the SD card.

Anything else I could try? :(
Update: Got it working! :)

I used my Palm PDA to format it. It's gone very odd on fdisk, but it played about a second of an Ogg before crashing, so the card is there & accessible at this point.

More will follow later when i have time for a decent analysis! I think I know what the problem was, so I'll be aiming at getting a definitive "Linux SD card HowTo" up & running in the very near future :)
What's an SAE?

I'd like an sd reader/writer. :P

edit: oh, stamped address envelope, nvm
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What's an SAE?

I'd like an sd reader/writer. :P

edit: oh, stamped address envelope, nvm
wouldnt it be SELF addressed envelope?

um im interested. ill send a pm

edit: no pm allowed. hmm

dunno what to do now short of sending an email

Find a pen... and a couple of envelopes.. and some stamps... ;)

i need his address and any other info from craig ;)
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I have a different kind of SD card problem. The card will not click in place inside my GP2X unit. I push the card in ( only slides in if facing the correct direction) and it will not click and stay put. I tried loosening the four screws on the back of the unit. Has anyone else had this happen? Perhaps I am just stupid but I have the card facing correctly and I have tried multiple cards...I hope this isn't a hardware defect... :( :(