ScummVM with ogg playback

Sid Elias

Still Fresh
Jun 5, 2003
It occurs to me that OGG media files are both smaller and less cpu-intensive than MP3 playback. Additionally, the tremor library (or perhaps it was Yoyo's l337 coding skills) allows for multitasking both OGG playback and other processes. Thus - it seems that, although relatively unfeasible with MP3s, using OGG compression to store MONSTER.SOU files for Lucasarts games is an arguably reasonable idea.

I need to know if anyone is either up for this, or already doing it, or is willing to help me in case I decide to do it myself; it might prove interesting, after all.
If I get some time to work on this over the next few days i'll try and chuck a ROUGH alpha out to my testers. I now have a working GP32 again :D :D :D :D so I can actualy do some development after almost 10 weeksof just trying things in the emu, a major git if your working on sound code (sorry guys).

Also, after talking to Yoyo and looking at his code he has worked arround one of the big problems I was having in porting libTremor (memory leak and getting it fast enough to work in gpScummVM) so I think if I spend a few hours applying Yoyo's chages to the port I might be able to get OGG going without needing to turn off MIDI support ond overclock your GP32 to melting point ;).

Oh, Sid, on the GP32 OGG and MP3 have about the same level of CPU hit when working with the low rate samples used by ScummVM. The ScummVM MIDI engine (FMopl) has 3 times the CPU hit of MP3 or OGG support.
Good to hear you have a working GP32 again djwillis developping sound code through a emulator that doesn't support sound is a pain in the @$$. I'll be looking forward to a public/private beta test the (old) beta i have from you is a really nice piece of work and runs the Monkey island games really good (@ 133 MHZ with MIDI) expect for the wrong detection of maniac mansion i haven't found a bug yet :-P.
Yoyo's code is a really nice piece of work and OGG's @ a bitrate of 32 KB/s is most of the time enough for speech. I'm really looking forward to the new version of GPscumm so keep up the good work DJ ;)

edit :
peace > piece