Hi just a quick question is there a way to get voices working, on gp32 or is the file to big for the smc. also how do u get Turrican to work on Frodo i press a button and nothing happens on title screen.
ok so how do you get them on the smc everytime i try it says there isnt enough room, am i doing something wrong im new to this so any help would be great,
You've got to extract the monster.sou file and convert to ogg, im not really that sure on how to do it because the extractor didn't work on my pc go here and you'll find some more info on the matter.
MONSTER.SOU contains voices and SFX (and music for Monkey Island 1) but are very heavy, too much.
I really advise you to get the small MONSTER.SOU (which has only important sequence voices and SFX), it's about 3 MO only and you have music, sfx and a few voices for each game.
use http://prdownloads.sourceforge.net/scummvm...32.exe?download to convert monster.sou in in monster.sog but this will realy hit the performance in enwer games, so only use it for older scumm games, loom speech works perfeckt, whild dott/sam'n'max is realy laggy