Screw Doom 3 I Want To Play This!


sleep is for wimps
Jul 29, 2003
London Baby!
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Yes, that looks bloody good, and the space ship walls of Doom 3 do get a bit boring after a while. Looking forward to this, the video is sweet. :)
fuck that

i want this

Rico posted on Aug 14 2004 at 08:32 PM said:
Fuck off its Tekken

its Shenmue Online for the PC (davey G told me bout it)

it has a $25.7 million budget

tens of thousands of people playing online at one time

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Yeah but its been written by the guys who did No One lives Forever 1 & 2 ...totally classic and extremely underated fps... if you never played one i highly recommend u do! Humors is brilliant, locations are fab think austin powers but your in charge of a extrely sassy british female spy ... all beautifully scrippted and acted...

Thats why thisgame will rock ... you will be scared!This must be the first game where you arch nemsisi is a 9 yearl girk! How fecking cool is that!!! And if you 've watched the trailer you no exactly how creepys/scary she is... this game will ooze with atmosphere..

Haven't got so excited over a pc fps in years!

shit how many typos still fucked up from last night! :D
Rico posted on Aug 15 2004 at 08:57 AM said:
mattmagoo posted on Aug 14 2004 at 11:35 PM said:
Rico posted on Aug 14 2004 at 08:32 PM said:
Fuck off its Tekken
That statement doesn't actually make any sense. 'Fuck off, it's Tekken' -> 'it's not Tekken' ??

Fuck off, it's Tekken


Fuck off it's Tekken

no comma, makes all the difference
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That DOES look nice, and about the levels/people looking plasticy...... Well, Almost all "next gen" PC game suffers from a degree of this (Bump mapping= flawed), Everquest II, Doom 3 to some extent, farcry, Havn't seen it TOO much in Halflife II yet..

With the wonky high poly low effeciency graphics engines we have now it's a bit dodgy to make things look ultra realistic, Because all it means is adding more polys. (Instead of better texture work and developing some trickier modeling methods) and slathering on a few layers of bump mapping.

I may look into this game.