Screenshotting the spam threads

I'm actually curious about the spam. Is it all coming from the same person?
Most likely not, but hard to say, with the new Forum system I can't see IP addresses like I used to, although It's almost certain the spammers are using ways of hiding their true IP addresses.
Would you mods prefer to be able to see IP addresses? I don't see many issues coming from users these days other than spam, so I don't know if this restricted your ability or if it just helps to pretend to protects privacy a bit.
Would you mods prefer to be able to see IP addresses? I don't see many issues coming from users these days other than spam, so I don't know if this restricted your ability or if it just helps to pretend to protects privacy a bit.
Well it only takes one abusive member to wish we did have a view of IP address, We had a one member a while back that liked making multiple accounts to troll the forum.
Well it only takes one abusive member to wish we did have a view of IP address, We had a one member a while back that liked making multiple accounts to troll the forum.
And didn't use proxy servers or something?
Well, because of the nature of fora, the quick changing of information make google re-index it often. Very often compared to static webpages which could be visited by crawler-bots once a week, month, etc...
And thus, if you can place your product in a forum thread, it will rank higher in google, later on.... so they do not even care if you reply or read it.

so: Lithonite. Woas. Sphere. (Ill report later... gotta eat now)
I have seen a bunch of the Zyntix ones the last couple days.
..and there have been many more you didn't!
Sometimes, their strategy is to take text from unrelated websites, and to replace pronouns with the brand name. Even when the pronoun is part of another word:

"The quality of this item"
"T Zyntix qual Zyntixy of this Zyntixem"

(It isn't a very good strategy)