Schleichfahr aka Archimedean Dynasty


Advanced Member
Jan 31, 2006
He folks!

Anyone remember Archimedean Dynasty?
For those who don't:

Anyway, I was looking for a means to play this on the pandora a while ago. Obviously dosbox won't be sufficient, the game is way too advanced.

But, there seem to be a couple of open source implementations:


not sure if any of these are feasible, but I'd be grateful if someone more experienced at least had a look...

@ptitSeb just in case you were looking for some more projects to port :D
Not sure about that. I think vertigo still has a lot of work left. Apparently most of the game scripting is not yet implemented.

The other port seems more complete, but I haven't tried it yet. The webpage states that the story mode is complete, but fighting is not implemented. I think that means the "instant action" mode, as the story mode certainly makes no sense without the ability to fight.

Vertigo is one to keep an eye on though.
Not sure about that. I think vertigo still has a lot of work left. Apparently most of the game scripting is not yet implemented.

The other port seems more complete, but I haven't tried it yet. The webpage states that the story mode is complete, but fighting is not implemented. I think that means the "instant action" mode, as the story mode certainly makes no sense without the ability to fight.

Vertigo is one to keep an eye on though.
Well, vertigo hasn't been update for more than 1 year now :(
Vertigo is one to keep an eye on though.
Unfortunately not, as the dev states here, he originally just wanted to extract the videos from the resource files, and got a little "carried away" but the essential parts regarding the combat are from another dev, and the original dev does not know much about that particular field.

Such a great game too bad the developers concentrated on making a FPS under water for the second installment. There is another game in the works (by Nordig games, I think), but I doubt it will feel much like the original (or at least the third part, which was okish)
I don't get what was better about the third part. I disliked Aquanox 2. Teeny anime characters. And in fights, especially boss fights, you could watch the target lead reticle evade your crosshairs which felt unnatural as hell. Aquanox 1 is still my favourite. Strong characters and great voice acting. More humor and more in depth (heh) info about the world. Music was better, too. Maybe my memory is betraying me?
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Then go and pick up Archimedean Dynasty! I couldn't wrap my head around aquanox 1 back when it came out, as it feels so restricted in what you can do in the game. The first part of the series feels more wingcommander privateer like, which I absolutely loved. Eventhough the graphics were revolutionary in aquanox 1 (the octupus... I remember that they calculated the model and texture in real time for this creature to make it possible), I found the atmosphere of the older title so much more immersive.

Has anyone tested AD/Schleichfahrt on DBGL? I think it was 3dfx accelerated in the DOS Version IIRC.
Has anyone tested AD/Schleichfahrt on DBGL?
I don't know for AD but Schleichfahrt did not run for sure on DBGL, is a windows game programmed in Python using a 3D engine called Panda3D.
To try on Pandora we need first the Panda3D runtime ported to Pandora....and is not so easy.

If someone could port this runtime on Pandora there are also some interesting games to try.
@Farox What ??? Nope, not a windows game and it surely has not been written in python! Archimedean Dynasty and Schleichfahrt are the exact same game. I have the original Schleichfahrt here and it is for DOS. As far as I know there was no native windows version of it at all, it was all DOS. I just looked it up and there was a 3dfx patch because people were not able to run the game on more modern windows versions (no VESA!). The 3dfx patched version would of course need a glide wrapper.

I think this would be feasible on DBGL, but I do not have a working setup to test.
I don't know for AD but Schleichfahrt did not run for sure on DBGL, is a windows game programmed in Python using a 3D engine called Panda3D.
Schleichfahrt is the original title since it's a game by the German developer Blue Byte which has been eaten by Ubisoft in 2001, Archimedean Dynasty is the international title.
It is a Dos game and the version on GOG is using Dosbox.