Savage 1 full source code/game sdk/engine. No code base for SEP/SFE/


Very Active Member
Feb 5, 2006

I've found some time ago a file that supposed to contained ressources from Savage 1, I don't know if it can be used for a port.

Here the txt file content:"

This zip file contains the original 2.0e full source code including
the game sdk and engine.

This does not include the code base for
SEP/SFE/XR. have supplied this source code in the hope
that you, a potential developer, will find it useful as a learning
tool, with the intent of helping us to continue the development of
Savage 1.

If you would like to ask questions about the source code please do
so at our forums: "


Hi all :)

@Faust: looks like a good game, thanks for sharing !

According to Wikipedia, this game is freeware since September 2006, and its source code has been leaked to the public.

Cheers, Magic Sam
[doublepost=1487532149,1487529837][/doublepost]Hi again,

I'm not trying to derail this thread, but I found some other leaked pieces of software thanks to Wikipedia:

3DFX drivers:

OpenXRay Engine (S.T.A.L.K.E.R):

Falcon 4.0:

Dark Reign 2:

Cheers, Magic Sam
[doublepost=1487534725][/doublepost]As always, this Wikipedia page is a real treasure chest !

Cheers, Magic Sam
Savage 1.

Spent some hours on it...(don't know why...maybe the name is appealing me :cool:) and found that it require a good amount of work to be ported.
first it complain about some numeric costant that was defined using define (for example .... #define Z 3) (fixed renaming it).
next for some lvalue (i changed = to ==)
next the code is incompatible with libpng15 or 16 i switched to png14.
but the last thing that is blocking the fmod library used ( a very ancient revision) that is incompatible for what we have in Codeblocks, it need a deep rewrite adapting the version of FMOD we have or a rewrite to something else (SDL or BASS), but this is out of my skills.
Ah yes, Savage. I'll see if I can get something working. I'm a bit tired of that Qt5.8 build...
[doublepost=1489325863,1489324211][/doublepost]@Faust : that game is multiplayer only, are there still some server or something for it? Also, fo you kow where are the ressources (texture, maps, sounds...) for it?
Ah yes, Savage. I'll see if I can get something working. I'm a bit tired of that Qt5.8 build...
[doublepost=1489325863,1489324211][/doublepost]@Faust : that game is multiplayer only, are there still some server or something for it? Also, fo you kow where are the ressources (texture, maps, sounds...) for it?
Actually I already post what I found, I'm not sure other files source are available.
I'm not sure, it's stated that it doesn't work with SFE...

Anyway, I don't think it's a simple "plug'n'play" compile. Without server, it's useless, as it's a multiplayer only game with no single-player scenario.

The "root" Makefile only build a server, not the full game (and the keyserver/ssl-utils.c file seems missing).
The Makefile for the fullgame (in TheGame I assume) is pretty messy.

Beeing multiplayer only, I'm not really interested in porting it.

@Farox : if you still want to try, for the "lvalue" error, don't change the "=" by "==", it will not work. Just remove the left side "(char*)" and it will compile (with a warning about incompatible pointer). Also, for the fmod issue, just look for the missing include on the net (search for "fmoddyn.h") and copy the 4 files in a folder somewhere, and that that folder to the include dir in Makefile and it will build.