Of course china things are cheaply made,the 3ds is made in china the casing on that is cheap and weak.
Most of the stuff of pandora not all made in china,that's why it's a good console.
The Pandora's casing is made in China (with plans to move it to the UK or Scotland at a later date, if memory serves), and the bare unpopulated PCBs originally were made in China and populated in Texas (this is now being moved to Germany), at the very least, to my knowledge. These are two pretty key components, as I'm sure you know, so I'm really sorry to tell you that those parts of your Pandora, at the least, did indeed come from China. (Does anyone remember where the keymats were done? I keep thinking they came from the same place as the casings.)
You really cannot avoid Chinese-made components in, well, almost anything, nowadays - even stuff that you think has its origins elsewhere.
This jingoism really is daft, especially when you're saying "This is bad because it's made in China", whilst saying that something else which also currently has key parts made there isn't bad because... why, again?
I will say one thing, and this is in no way a bash against the Pandora, but my 3DS' casing doesn't get random cracks in it.

(Indeed, just to give another example, though, my MacBook's casing does have much worse cracks than my Pandora, which came out of nowhere and are due to a design flaw that Apple openly admitted about that particular model. :lol: )