Samsung dvd drive & webcam

actually it was manufactured in texas, usa, and is currently making the move to be made in germany, so like shamwow, you know those germans make good stuff
Germany make good items that's for sure.

Germany makes better items than china.

In my opnion Japan is best country and makes best items in the world,they have best components to the highest quality standards.

Most items i've bought are from Japan and i have recently ordered 2x saitek pc usb controllers,they are made in Japan and these controllers are cheap and have good reviews and

scored 5/5,that's Japan items for you making high quality controller.
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actually it was manufactured in texas, usa, and is currently making the move to be made in germany, so like shamwow, you know those germans make good stuff

No, I think you'll find the motherboard was produced in China and CC in Texas populated the boards with components. The motherboard is the part that has least problems, thus far. Of course, the case was also produced in China and is a bit lower quality than ideal. Which is why also this jingoistic crap about not by Chinese is pointless.
Hey guys, China has more than one factory (and supplier of materials) within its borders. Just so you know.
Of course china things are cheaply made,the 3ds is made in china the casing on that is cheap and weak.

Most of the stuff of pandora not all made in china,that's why it's a good console.
Of course china things are cheaply made,the 3ds is made in china the casing on that is cheap and weak.

Most of the stuff of pandora not all made in china,that's why it's a good console.
The Pandora's casing is made in China (with plans to move it to the UK or Scotland at a later date, if memory serves), and the bare unpopulated PCBs originally were made in China and populated in Texas (this is now being moved to Germany), at the very least, to my knowledge. These are two pretty key components, as I'm sure you know, so I'm really sorry to tell you that those parts of your Pandora, at the least, did indeed come from China. (Does anyone remember where the keymats were done? I keep thinking they came from the same place as the casings.)

You really cannot avoid Chinese-made components in, well, almost anything, nowadays - even stuff that you think has its origins elsewhere.

This jingoism really is daft, especially when you're saying "This is bad because it's made in China", whilst saying that something else which also currently has key parts made there isn't bad because... why, again? ;)

I will say one thing, and this is in no way a bash against the Pandora, but my 3DS' casing doesn't get random cracks in it. :P (Indeed, just to give another example, though, my MacBook's casing does have much worse cracks than my Pandora, which came out of nowhere and are due to a design flaw that Apple openly admitted about that particular model. :lol: )
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i think that even if my 3DS would develop cracks in the case, i would never notice it due to the fact that the plastic attracts sweat particles and is constantly smeared in all sorts of sweat blemishes. my hands have never sweat this much playing video games, i really hate the 3ds case, even worse because all the sweat stains go in the tight places like in between screen and the start/home/select bar, and between top and bottom of case, and around the sd slot, and its just a disgusting look to see white sweat stains in all those cracks and crevices
The Pandora's casing is made in China (with plans to move it to the UK or Scotland at a later date, if memory serves), and the bare unpopulated PCBs originally were made in China and populated in Texas (this is now being moved to Germany), at the very least, to my knowledge. These are two pretty key components, as I'm sure

As unpopulated PCB might be called "a skeleton" for a device I wouldn't call it key component. AFAIK they're quite easy to produce. But whole argumentation stays valid - many pandora's components come from China, probably some of other chips (like wifi, bluetooth, USB, audio, SD etc) are also produced in china. Even Texas Instruments has some factories in China (but they rather don't produce OMAP processors)
I've just bought Logitech c510 webcam but it comes with software,can this webcam work on pandora without software,but isn't it impossible to use it without software.

Most umpc i've both components were from korea and japan and that's why there were solid built systems with high quality components to the highest standards,when korea and japan makes system there are awesome.

Look at the state of pandora it has cheap case and everything inside is so weakly made like it's going to crack,why do companies buy stuff from china and build pc's hardware and case,when we know they are cheap skate and low quality.
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Look at the state of pandora it has cheap case and everything inside is so weakly made like it's going to crack
That's funny - you said it was better than Chinese-made stuff until you knew that key parts of it were made in China!

Anyway, can you quit with the jingoism now, please? You can't judge a whole country on the basis of how a couple of consumer products turned out. That's like me claiming that all British people are thuggish, illiterate louts, just because we have a loud number of such individuals who exist in the country. :P

Getting myself more on-topic;

I've just bought Logitech c510 webcam but it comes with software,can this webcam work on pandora without software,but isn't it impossible to use it without software.
Chances are that the software that comes with it is just for Microsoft Windows. Generally with Linux, most things will just work without you needing to install any software to make them function, as that's how Linux tends to be.

That said, did you check to see if this webcam is Linux-compatible before you purchased it? That's a very important thing to do when making such a purchase, as Microsoft Windows-centric webcams can be more trouble than they're worth to get working.
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All logitech web cams are made for windows,but the c200 is also made for windows but it works on pandora console without any problems,some guy has one on this forum and he's tried it and worked fine,so i thought just buy windows webcam and it might work.
The reason for that was,i was getting bored of that name,i preffered to be called ocean for awhile never know i might change this name aswell.
I don't want to use the name on openpandora forum.i use that name on other websites and i prefer a name,which is something to do with emulation or console but still ocean doesn't seem good name either,i will change this one very soon aswell.
Of course china things are cheaply made,the 3ds is made in china the casing on that is cheap and weak.

Most of the stuff of pandora not all made in china,that's why it's a good console.
Lots of things are made in China, electronic components, computers, clothing, shoes, appliances, etc, for various companies that you know and love, nintendo, sony, apple, htc, nike, just to name a few. So the problem isn't that China make cheap stuff, is the kirf companies they have there who make cheap components of well known products to sell at a lower price for those who want to buy them. Just because something is made in China does not make it cheap. It all depends on the designers of the product, engineers, etc. These well known companies mentioned designed the specifications of their products that they want to make with the materials needed to make it and send it to the Chinese manufacturers to be produce.
I bought logitech c510 vwebcam, i connected it to my pandora using the usb hub but nothing appears on pandora screen,when i connect it,i'm i doing something wrong,please help me on this.