Sample Pack For Lgpt Beta Testers


Jun 8, 2005
this weekend a new version of littleGpTracker came out and a few new beta testers joined the fold, so i created a sample pack to make things easier on them ... check it:

littlegptracker beta sample pack

maybe this will also interest some new people who have held off on trying lgpt because they were too lazy to make samples :rolleyes: but, only beta testers who are familiar w/ the functionality/interface of littlesounddj are wanted ... so if you're new to tracking on the go, download the lsdj demo and run through some tutorials!

edit: forgot to mention ... there is also now a homepage for lgpt :blink:
Great sample set and although I've never used lsdj, I can't wait to give 'Piggy' a try when a demo is released.

.. though I do have one question:
Do the samples have to have the two digit names?
Or is there some other mechanism for showing names in the tracker?
Cuz I don't think I can remember all the names :S
gp32rich posted on Sep 6 2005 at 11:36 AM said:
.. though I do have one question:
Do the samples have to have the two digit names?
Or is there some other mechanism for showing names in the tracker?
Cuz I don't think I can remember all the names :S

Don't worry.. it is just a temporary hack before I implement a sample pool...
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M-.-n posted on Sep 6 2005 at 12:44 PM said:
Don't worry.. it is just a temporary hack before I implement a sample pool...
Hehe! Yeah! A beta version ;) :)

Any idea when the first release will be?
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gp32rich posted on Sep 7 2005 at 11:48 AM said:
Any idea when the first release will be?

I have actually no idea.. the current version is totally workable (although all functionalities I wanna bring in are far from being present) and there's already people doing tracks with it. What stops me mainly from releasing it is that I don't wanna spend time explaining how it works. If people know the LSDj interface, I'm happy for them to join the beta crew. So anyone *really* motivated should get the LSDj demo & manual, learn to use it and then contact me :)
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