Right, trying to compile the demo project gives me "SDL.h: No such file or directory" and consequently a load of errors.
Assuming you did decide to go with Dev C++ - this worked for me using Guyfawkes' SDL test program.
Get these two from EvilDragon's file archive :
Guyfawkes' SDL test program
Guyfawkes' user guide
Follow Guyfawkes' User guide 'Developing for the GP2X introduction' (page 33) and confirm you can 'make' his demo from dos. I get 1 warning but the .gpe works on the GP2X.
In the following description you need to use the path to wherever you have put devkitGP2X, e.g H:\devkitpro\devkitGP2X\ or C:\devkitGP2X\. I shall use ..\devkitGP2X to represent this. Obviously you need to replace the ..\ with the path to your installation.
In Dev C++, select 'Tools->Compiler options' and add a new compiler by pressing the '+' button and giving it a name ie GP2X.
Tick the option to add commands to the linker and add the following in the window under it :
-static -lSDL_mixer -lSDL_ttf -lSDL_image -lmikmod -lvorbisidec -lfreetype -ljpeg -lpng12 -lz -lm -lSDL -lpthread
Select the directories tab and add ..\devkitGP2X\bin in the binaries tab (remember to replace ..\ with your path ie C

Then add ..\devkitGP2X\lib in the libraries tab
add ..\devkitGP2X\include and ..\devkitGP2X\include\SDL in the C includes tab
You are on your own when it comes to C++ (I don't use it) but you might try this in the C++ includes
In the program tab set up the programs as follows :
Replace the default tools with the arm equivalents in ..\devkitGP2X\bin
gcc.exe -> arm-linux-gcc.exe
g++.exe -> arm-linux-g++.exe
make.exe -> leave alone
gdb.exe -> leave alone
windres.exe -> leave alone
dllwrap.exe -> leave alone
gprof.exe -> arm-linux-gprof.exe
When you're done press OK.
Go to 'File->New->Project'. In the dialogue set the name of your project.
Select an empty project and press Ok.
Save the project in a new folder.
Now copy Guyfawkes' two files into your new project folder (using Windows explorer).
Go back to Dev C++ and select 'project->add to project'. Select the two files and press open.
Select 'Project->project options'. Select the compiler tab and choose the new compiler you added earlier.
Select the build options tab and tick the overide output filename box. change the name so it has a .gpe extension.
select OK.
Go to 'Execute->rebuild all'. This will produce a .gpe and, of course, you get the same warning that you get at the dos prompt.
This builds the project but note there is no call to strip the exe and no compiler parameters are used.
Copy the .gpe and the folder in Guyfawkes' SDL test project to your SD card.
If you use this and it works for you too, let me know and I will try and get the
Wiki updated, as the instructions there did not work for me. If you can add anything like compiler options, make file extensions, confirm/correct the c++ libraries etc, or know a better way of doing things we can add that to the wiki as well.