Rumor: Darkstalkers 4/Vampire 4...!?


Active Member
Sep 2, 2009
Every nerve in my body went tingly when I saw the rumor posted below at Joystiq (and very likely elsewhere on the interwebs as well) and I felt I just had to share. It's been a while since I've played the last incarnation of the game, and I'm not terribly excited to think it'll be 3D and not beautifully high-def, hand-drawn animation, but it's been so long since my favorite character (Felicia!) had any kind of story drive that I can't help but be excited! I really hope this will be something special. I wasn't really drawn in by any of Capcom's latest fighting games. SSF4 sits unopened on my shelf, and I only played MvcC3 the day I got it and left disappointed by the lack of story. I even bought the limited edition fighting stick!

Even though it's just a rumor right now, I'm really excited about this..! p^-^)p

Good luck - and here's hoping that they don't cancel it and then blame the fans and their immense support for the cancellation. ;)
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Yeah, I really hope they don't... I can't imagine what it must be like for someone who likes a series (or a character) a lot to find the next great thing to happen to it has been cancelled. Admittedly the fanbase isn't as big for the series as it is for their other titles, but I'm really itching for some home-grown Darkstalkers (by home-grown I mean done in Japan, hopefully by people who "get" the series and the characters).

I must say I can see how much things have changed there, what with some of my favorite artists having left for some time now already, but I'm hoping for the best. ^_^
I knew it was only a matter of time, as Ono san has been pushing for this for awhile. This may just be a rumor at this point, but I'm sure it is coming, as there is no reason not to put out a new version. Fighting games seem to be Capcoms new flavor of the month yet again.

After pissing off its customers, of course.
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Something I noticed that seems fairly universal is that there seems to be a lot of hate being thrown around for Capcom's latest offerings. I can see why, tho. On-disk DLC is not cool. Never has been, never will be, and goes right back to what I said in the Capcom dickmoves (lol) thread about these veteran companies making really bad decisions.

Another thing that I noticed is a lot of people are wanting it to be a really nice 2D game, not a 3D one, and I agree 100% with this. Seems a lot of comments are bringing this up, and even the Japanese comments on at least one site I'm reading on would prefer the graphics be 2D, or something not SF4. Sad to think, but I have no doubts that if they really do make this game, it's almost certainly going to be 3D. It wouldn't make very much sense for them to do anything else at this point, thinking financially.
If I recall correctly some of the character's attacks are damn near impossible to render in 3D.
Indeed they are, but they did a pretty decent job (at least with Felicia) in MvsC3. Not the best, as a lot of the fluid charm was missing, and I don't recall any of thr Looney Tunes-like effects being done like on the leg sweeps.

I just looked at the DLC for UMvsC3 on the Vita. All the extras total more than the price of the game...! That's outrageous (and not in the "Jem" way).
All the extras total more than the price of the game...! That's outrageous (and not in the "Jem" way).
Unfortunately, this is what happens when a tiny minority keep insisting that "this is what gamers want", when for the vast majority of people who play video games, it isn't... You then get me-too outfits like Capcom, who fall for this echo-chamber effect and keep doing it.

And of course, they wouldn't keep doing it, if said minority who wants it didn't keep paying over the odds for stuff that should have been included to begin with. :P (And, let's be honest, only a fool would believe that all of these "extras", of the sort that used to be included with your purchase, aren't planned from the start, since they represent almost pure profit. What better way to get people to pay a ton more money, than by acting like these are additions to the game, rather than stuff that in years gone by would have been part of it?)
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It's sad that it's true. When EA was charging the price of a game to unlock everything in NFS (was it? or was it another one... can't remember) people went ape-sh*t, and understandably so. Namco started putting DLC in a lot of their games in Japan, and one of the most notable ones, Idolm@ster, played on players' love for the characters to buy lots and lots of stuff. I don't know if those items were on-disk, but I'd imagine they were. More recently, Soul Calibur games have had DLC already on-disk as well, with extras costing a lot for what ends up being very little. Now that Capcom's on the bandwagon, I'm not very interested in what they have in store for their other future games. The new fighters probably look like cash cows in their eyes, while for us gamers it looks like a cash grab. Street Fighter X Tekken is getting a lot of heat for all DLC being already on the disk. The PR response was that it's on there for cross-compatibility between those who have the content and those who don't, which makes sense in the eyes of the developers (and looks good to their superiors who control their salaries), but looks absolutely terrible to those who're paying for the game.