Rule And Moderation Proposals For The Gp2x Forums

funny how you (the first poster) goes on preaching about making pointless topics and cluttering the forum, then when i alert you to the fact that your own thread is in the wrong forum section you completely ignore me, retard.
I'm tired of seeing people use the excuse that people might not be non-native speakers of English because, frankly, it's incredibly easy to tell the difference between a non-native English speaker and someone who just didn't bother to get an education.

Someone who does not speak English natively will obviously not use words like 'u' and 'lolz' and other internet lingo. If they do, they're obviously skilled enough with the language to know about these lingos. Likewise, the only thing off about their posts are certain grammatical errors (such as using is instead of are) and misspellings on bigger, more difficult and less used words rather than simple words that everyone should have learned at a young age.

By the way, English is my second language, but you don't see me typing like those typically badly-written posts.
But nowadays (spelling?) even people with mere basic grasp of english are immersed with acronyms, abreviations and indeed the so-called "leet" speak.

But atleast I have yet to be "corrected" for using "colour" instead of "color", or "Internet" instead of "internet"...

How many natives do we have, exactly? (Our friends across the pond don't count. It's not english they speak. :P )
Jarska333 posted on Feb 12 2006 at 09:39 PM said:
But nowadays (spelling?) even people with mere basic grasp of english are immersed with acronyms, abreviations and indeed the so-called "leet" speak.

But atleast I have yet to be "corrected" for using "colour" instead of "color", or "Internet" instead of "internet"...

How many natives do we have, exactly? (Our friends across the pond don't count. It's not english they speak. :P )

Are you differentiating between Canadians and USians in your post or are you just painting 2/3 of North America with one broad stroke?

I put a "u" in words like colour and I capitalize the "i" in Internet. It confuses the hell out of the Koreans that I teach English to.
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mattyrb posted on Feb 12 2006 at 12:52 PM said:
I have zero problems with this forum, I simply ignore the bits that bother me.......I see someones suffering from being a lazy arse......unable to ignore threads they don't like!

P.S i'm dyslexic!
If you're referring to me, then I chose to participate in order to give my opinion. I didn't complain about the discussion taking place - I think it's healthy to discuss things.

My point is simple: if people can understand you, and you're happy with what you've expressed, then what's the problem? Some people will judge others by the quality of their English, and some people will judge others by the content of the message itself. If someone is lazy and expresses themself in poor English, then they're not doing themself any favours, but that's their choice. If someone is doing the best they can, then there's nothing wrong with that, either. It is often the case that sloppy language comes along with sloppy thinking, but my point was that it's not exclusively the case, and not just due to native tongue differences.
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How about just getting a mod to move all the common questions over to the FAQ instead of deleting them, that is what its there for.

As for the leet speakers and lazy typers, just add them to your ignore filter and never see them again.
nickspoon posted on Feb 12 2006 at 11:40 AM said:
And sbt, I wasn't saying they had to, but it would be for their benefit if they did. I honestly think everyone should, but if you don't want to, that's fine by me, just make sure you say you're not a native speaker if you're unsure about spelling and grammar.

And I'm not a fascist.

Hey Nick - never said you were :-)

Without wishing to alienate any people that English isn't their native tongue.... being English myself I can usually tell the difference between people overseas and general 'txt spk' posters therefore I can quite easily make compensations for those posts that are not fully grammatically correct due to being posted in a second language.
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This whole thread is silly. It's a free forum and we shouldn't start severely restricting or screening posts or users. Everyone asks a silly question sometimes. There are two ways to improve the problem you guys seem to have -

1) Improve the FAQ forum. I went in there to get some basic questions answered - big mistake. At the verly least make a pinned topic that points to the wiki or something. It wouldn't have much but it'd be more useful than the pinned topics we have now.

2) Make a "noob" forum. Many other boards have such a forum and it really filters out the first-time user questions. And when you see a post that annoys you in this forum, then you can complain about how it should be moved to the beginner's forum.

This thread hasn't improved much of anything - I think I see more flaming in this thread than in the thread that the topic starter cited. You start to cross some awkward political line when you have to approve of posts or wonder if english is a person's first language in order to let him/her "slide". Don't filter out posts with l337 speak - just let them know that you don't appreciate it and that you can't really read it with them typing like that. If you don't even want to do that, then let it go - why should it bother you?

It's not that serious guys, it's just a forum and if I wanna say "u" or "b4" or "wanna" then what's the big deal? Oh No! It's not proper english
MakavelianKode posted on Feb 12 2006 at 03:00 PM said:
2) Make a "noob" forum. Many other boards have such a forum and it really filters out the first-time user questions. And when you see a post that annoys you in this forum, then you can complain about how it should be moved to the beginner's forum.

The "I need help" forum does that:

This is a forum for very new users and not only, there is no such thing as a stupid question in here. Have a problem ? Just ask for help.
REMEMBER! First read the FAQ and stickies in every forum, search the forums and then ask a question if needs be.
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Paradox posted on Feb 12 2006 at 07:22 AM said:
funny how you (the first poster) goes on preaching about making pointless topics and cluttering the forum, then when i alert you to the fact that your own thread is in the wrong forum section you completely ignore me, retard.

In the future, I will do my best to read and reply to topics when I am not online, and am a mile from the nearest internet connection. :rolleyes: My bad on not seeing the Suggestions forum, but in retrospect, it probably got more attention here anyway. And this issue of mine is with the gp2x side of the discussion, the GP32 side seems more organized and well-moderated.

Anyway. I don't think it's too hard to tell non-native english speakers from English-speakers who are chosing not to type correctly. If you speak very very often to people from other countries for whom English is a 2nd or even 3rd language, it becomes very clear what is attempted-correct English and what is just laziness "hae wasop n ths intarnet formu!!!1" vs. "Hi, I'm new in this forums" etc. I trust you have no difficulty distinguishing which of those was from a native-but-lazy english speaker and which was from a non-native speaker.

And I would not say effective moderation is 'fascism'. I admit my views on moderation may appear somewhat unorthodox, but since the primary forum I inhabit is Something Awful, easily the greatest internet community around (which was made that way by strict and careful moderation to keep out bad elements and poor members).. it's natural I would carry its virtues around with me. Of course, whether the administration chooses to agree with them or not is at their own discretion. However, I do believe that a peaceful middleground between the existing overly-light moderation and the heavy moderation of a forum with >60,000 users necessitates.
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I think people are treating this thread and Epicenter's suggestions way too harshly.

I think fomit was missing the point; apparently, he was under the impression that the OP was suggesting post moderation for all members (or a large set). I don't think that ws the OP's intention at all -- just that there should be more active moderation after the fact; i.e., if a moderator detects a crappy thread, it should be deleted or at least closed.

I for one am with the OP. A post with bad spelling is a pain to read, and my guess is the main reason that some people prefer to abbreviate words to two letter combinations is not 1337ness but just plain laziness. If you can't be bothered to put some effort into your post, why should I put effort into reading it? Don't forget that crap breeds crap. If we want to maintain standards we should set the bar high. And I'm not saying every post should be the most well-thought out well-written on the internet, but that's no reason for anyone not to give it their best.

Yes, a whole lot of threads are repeatedly dealing with the same subjects, so they definitely qualify as a Frequently Asked Question; keeping one thread per subject in the FAQ forum, and consistently directing people there will go a long way to cleaning up the board.

Paradox posted on Feb 12 2006 at 01:22 PM said:
funny how you (the first poster) goes on preaching about making pointless topics and cluttering the forum, then when i alert you to the fact that your own thread is in the wrong forum section you completely ignore me, retard.

Are you trying to convert this thread into a flamewar? Namecalling is never a good solution, and you should know that.
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RiX0R posted on Feb 12 2006 at 11:49 AM said:
I think fomit was missing the point; apparently, he was under the impression that the OP was suggesting post moderation for all members (or a large set). I don't think that ws the OP's intention at all -- just that there should be more active moderation after the fact; i.e., if a moderator detects a crappy thread, it should be deleted or at least closed.

Bingo. I suggest we get RID of threads that are problems so people learn not to MAKE them anymore. Not that people prove their worth before they post. :rolleyes:
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I'm all for freedom on the net etc. So we shouldn't be too hard on anyone here....

But Paradox, you use the word Retard once more, and I will hunt you down and kill you. No, I will kill your family too!!!!

That single word is the most offensive you can use.
omg this is tha most retardered thread eva!!!!!

(fomit) This seems to me like one of the most pointless posts ever.

i love threads that start "god, I hate newbies!" or "I've been a poster here for x years and..."

Check my user number out!!! omg!!!! oLdA ThAn YoU!!?!?!!?!?!!?!?!1111?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!!?!!?!?!!??!?!?!?!?!!?1
I guess some problems will solve themselves eventually. Like RiX0r already said:

RiX0r said:
If you can't be bothered to put some effort into your post, why should I put effort into reading it?

So just don't read those posts and don't reply to them,... and hopefully the l337 poster will figure out that nobody answers him because of his writing style. Maybe a little note in the forum rules could give a hint about this, e.g. "Posts written in L337 are likely to be ignored".
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taras posted on Feb 12 2006 at 01:57 PM said:
omg this is tha most retardered thread eva!!!!!

(fomit) This seems to me like one of the most pointless posts ever.

i love threads that start "god, I hate newbies!" or "I've been a poster here for x years and..."

Check my user number out!!! omg!!!! oLdA ThAn YoU!!?!?!!?!?!!?!?!1111?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!!?!!?!?!!??!?!?!?!?!!?1

If I were trying to sound like I'd been here forever I wouldn't say that I got here after 'the GP32 days'. Or that I was gone for 9 weeks and had to post a 'Catching Up' thread. I also never mentioned my post count (which you incorrectly call a 'user number'. And yes, as I defined it in my first post, the manner in which you just wrote your last post makes you exactly the kind of person I would call "the problem". I can only pray you're making some sort of a joke.

At any rate, if you read even half my post you'd know I have no high-and-mighty attitude-- I'm just trying to keep the one major english-speaking GP2x forum from being overrun by worthless threads-- because there is nowhere else to go if this place gets spoiled by emulation-forum idiots and l33t-speakers.
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I havent read this whole thread so i wont comment on anyone elses opinion, i will however give my 2 cent to the topic in question.

The whole idea of a forum is that everyone has there say, be it questions or just general comments , the fact that anyone can join a forum for free to give they're views means that they have a god given right to say something clever, stupid or ask the same question that has already been answered a thousand times already annoying as it might be.

The problem as far as im concerned with forums is that its so convoluted with oneupmanship that rarely can you find useful tidbits of information without dredging through a dozen posts to find the answer your looking for.

I havent even mentioned the fact that alot of people posting a question/query in english might be using it as their second language, so to chastise people for grammatical errors is childish as far as im concerned.

At the end of the day - yeah be helpful, look through some posts to get the answer your looking for before you throw it out there on another post, but just remember all you grumpy joes out there complaining, that no one ever asked you to read someones post, so if you take the time out of your day to read it and get upset that its old news then thats your problem, dont read them!!

I have much less respect for people that just look at posts where as far as they are concerned someone has said something stupid and use it as an opertunity to belittle others to make themselves feel big than i do for someone who might ask a daft or 'already answered' question.

All im saying is - is new people join forums every day where they might not know how they work or not have any technical knowledge of a subject, just do the grown up thing and point them in the right direction! After all if i was very knowledgable in certain forum topics then i know i would take alot more pride in helping someone out than having a go at them.

and thats all i have to say about that!
Well... interesting to hear the views, but to be honest, most people are coming up with the same ideas (maybe not from the same direction though!)

Its all about striking a balance - too harsh and we just drive people away, too soft and the forum gets clogged with shite.

We've had a drop off of active mods recently. Thats why not long ago, Hando asked for suggetions for more. We're currently in the last stages of deciding, and sendng invites to the lucky (or not so lucky...!) individuals.

On the subject of 1337 speak - I wholeheartedly agree. Unless its used in a 'toungue in cheek' way, it just pisses me off.

Well... to lighten the tone a bit, go here....

Now THAT'S a good use of it :P

But everyday? No, I dont think so...!
Epicenter posted on Feb 12 2006 at 08:18 PM said:
I also never mentioned my post count (which you incorrectly call a 'user number'.

Nah, I think he was referring to the number your account has in the database. Each new member gets a number 1 higher than the last, so lower number == earlier member. You can see it in the status bar when you hover over someone's profile link.

For example:

You, Epicenter=5802

(And just for shits, me=5589)

There's a lot of hostility in this thread :unsure:
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