oh em gee
funny how you (the first poster) goes on preaching about making pointless topics and cluttering the forum, then when i alert you to the fact that your own thread is in the wrong forum section you completely ignore me, retard.
Jarska333 posted on Feb 12 2006 at 09:39 PM said:But nowadays (spelling?) even people with mere basic grasp of english are immersed with acronyms, abreviations and indeed the so-called "leet" speak.
But atleast I have yet to be "corrected" for using "colour" instead of "color", or "Internet" instead of "internet"...
How many natives do we have, exactly? (Our friends across the pond don't count. It's not english they speak.)
If you're referring to me, then I chose to participate in order to give my opinion. I didn't complain about the discussion taking place - I think it's healthy to discuss things.mattyrb posted on Feb 12 2006 at 12:52 PM said:I have zero problems with this forum, I simply ignore the bits that bother me.......I see someones suffering from being a lazy arse......unable to ignore threads they don't like!
P.S i'm dyslexic!
nickspoon posted on Feb 12 2006 at 11:40 AM said:And sbt, I wasn't saying they had to, but it would be for their benefit if they did. I honestly think everyone should, but if you don't want to, that's fine by me, just make sure you say you're not a native speaker if you're unsure about spelling and grammar.
And I'm not a fascist.
MakavelianKode posted on Feb 12 2006 at 03:00 PM said:2) Make a "noob" forum. Many other boards have such a forum and it really filters out the first-time user questions. And when you see a post that annoys you in this forum, then you can complain about how it should be moved to the beginner's forum.
This is a forum for very new users and not only, there is no such thing as a stupid question in here. Have a problem ? Just ask for help.
REMEMBER! First read the FAQ and stickies in every forum, search the forums and then ask a question if needs be.
Paradox posted on Feb 12 2006 at 07:22 AM said:funny how you (the first poster) goes on preaching about making pointless topics and cluttering the forum, then when i alert you to the fact that your own thread is in the wrong forum section you completely ignore me, retard.
Paradox posted on Feb 12 2006 at 01:22 PM said:funny how you (the first poster) goes on preaching about making pointless topics and cluttering the forum, then when i alert you to the fact that your own thread is in the wrong forum section you completely ignore me, retard.
RiX0R posted on Feb 12 2006 at 11:49 AM said:I think fomit was missing the point; apparently, he was under the impression that the OP was suggesting post moderation for all members (or a large set). I don't think that ws the OP's intention at all -- just that there should be more active moderation after the fact; i.e., if a moderator detects a crappy thread, it should be deleted or at least closed.
yes.(fomit) This seems to me like one of the most pointless posts ever.
RiX0r said:If you can't be bothered to put some effort into your post, why should I put effort into reading it?
taras posted on Feb 12 2006 at 01:57 PM said:omg this is tha most retardered thread eva!!!!!
yes.(fomit) This seems to me like one of the most pointless posts ever.
i love threads that start "god, I hate newbies!" or "I've been a poster here for x years and..."
Check my user number out!!! omg!!!! oLdA ThAn YoU!!?!?!!?!?!!?!?!1111?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!!?!!?!?!!??!?!?!?!?!!?1
Epicenter posted on Feb 12 2006 at 08:18 PM said:I also never mentioned my post count (which you incorrectly call a 'user number'.