ROM/Warez policy

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Certified Guru
Apr 4, 2003
England, UK
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Hi esteemed membership,

Just to summarise the ROM policy we have at GP32X boards:

- You can discuss your ownership of such games. We all have roms, how else would we use the emulators? There's no problem with that.

- You can't discuss how or where you got these roms. In an ideal world they'd all be dumps of real cartridges. Perhaps you previously owned them, so there's a moral backing. It is of no concern to us where you got them, so don't mention it.

- You can't ask for ROMs or pirated games. Simple as that. Under the above rule nobody can tell you anyway, except via PM. And none of us want GP32X's boards to become full of ROM requests. So all such threads will be locked and their posters dealt with. *laughs maniacally*

- Why? Direct links, obscuficated links, links to rom sites, rom site listings, p2p network links, and instructions that allow people to download roms, pirated games or crack existing games or demos can all get us in trouble. If a copyright owner or GP32 rep browses our forums and sees links to GP32 pirated games, he can give us hell for not deleting the links. Rather than spend our lives deleting such links we'd rather you just didn't post them.

Other than that, go knock yourself out.

Yours sincerely,

Rico, Axeman and the rest of the mods
Totaly agree its nice to be on a board where people actually care about copyright :D
johnno15 posted on Aug 8 2003 said:
Totaly agree its nice to be on a board where people actually care about copyright :D
I don't think anybody here (save for a few exceptions) cares about copyright. What we care about is getting the forums shut down.
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true but if your a person with too much time on your hands and a will to trawl through mass amounts of crap you can get roms.
roms, roms, roms, I had no idea what they were until I met my friend, the GP32. :D
zboy9 posted on Aug 15 2003 said:
roms, roms, roms, I had no idea what they were until I met my friend, the GP32. :D
And here I thought your friends was some sort of dancing, yellow fruit. :P
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c64 games as a whole are not legal, some may be, most aren't

However all Vectrex games are 100% legal to download, use, share etc as long as it isn't done for profit
Some stupid M.F.s are still posting links to rom sites. Even if you only want to hint a site, do it through PM, MSN/AIM/ICQ/YIM or some other medium that won't fuck this board up.

Also please don't encourage the posting of rom sites through stuff like zboy's "oooh no I can't find any roms .... i'm so annoyed.... but I don't want you to send any links to me, NO!" post that just makes things more difficult for us.
I believe that all roms should be legal to download as the copyright for most of the older consoles has probably expired. they should be only be illegal if the companies keep producing and releasing their cartridges for the systems such as the pc engine. once console production has ceased all games should be legal.
any feedback y'all :D
We're not here to discuss the ethics of ROMs, but they are illegal, they are the intellectual property of the company, and with them not publicly releasing them they are still under the ownership of the company that made them. If the company so chooses, they can make their roms legal.

And roms are illegal in general, NES to GC because if NES becomes free, then SNES, then n64. People will lose money. it's all about econimy. since they are asking money for games it has it's hold in the econimy. with this hold, if roms become free, people selling the cartridges do nto get their money if they need it. you are taking it away from the little man. Current system roms take it directly from the company that makes the games.

But this is just the boards policy on Warez and Roms, due to being illegal, no links or such on the board due to legal issues, and well our opinions of them. Some of us d/l warez and shit, and they are ez enough to find. This forum does not need warez people coming and ruining gamepark, due to Warez comes, They find out about GP32, they warez that, GP goes down due to money issues.

and some more sensless rambling about the same central point
Axeman posted on Mar 22 2004 said:
I believe that all roms should be legal to download as the copyright for most of the older consoles has probably expired

Unless they were made more than 75 years ago, then this ishighly unlikely :P
Street Fighter - The First Word War edition?! :P
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