ROM/Warez policy

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People will lose money. it's all about econimy. since they are asking money for games it has it's hold in the econimy. with this hold, if roms become free, people selling the cartridges do nto get their money if they need it. you are taking it away from the little man.

surely not though, seeing as the people who buy actual catridges are collectors and would buy them regardless of the leaglity of roms, and the people who D/L roms are gamers who just want to play?
c0ncept posted on Mar 22 2004 said:
People will lose money. it's all about econimy. since they are asking money for games it has it's hold in the econimy. with this hold, if roms become free, people selling the cartridges do nto get their money if they need it. you are taking it away from the little man.

surely not though, seeing as the people who buy actual catridges are collectors and would buy them regardless of the leaglity of roms, and the people who D/L roms are gamers who just want to play?
I was mainly point at GP32 roms, there are so many old system roms and shiz that not much money doesn't get circulated because of it.

Rom downloading is like the effect of communism on a capitalistic country *sry to offend anyone with this state*
If it is a small country *like Gamepark* then country will fall to communism *basicaly, no more GamePark due to money issues, GP stuff may grow in popularity and such, just not money*
If country big *like nintendo* country will not fall, country will prevent falling *illegal rom stuff* by some means. Most things communistically trying to be taken over are small towns *NES, SNES* but still part of big country.

And thats all i have to say for my analogy :D

Note: Communism may not be bad, but in a capitalistic world that we live in, the world would crumble at chaos due to the long holding structures of society that was formed on it will crumble
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Communism is good in some circumstances that directly contradict capitalism.

Example: I buy an album a month, that is all I can reasonably afford (to allow for every other expense and allowance I make).

However, I would like to listen to about three albums a month.

If I download the extra two, I cost nobody anything - as long as I would never have had bought the album. There might be tiny effects on the charts etc. but nothing major.

Problem is, this is all on the honour system, and we all know how honourable most people are. So we make everything illegal.

And truth be told, it's the right thing to do, because I could easily use P2P and download everything. It can alter your perspective so that you feel like you've 'wasted' your money if you buy an album which you could have got for free with little to no risk...
would a copyright still belong to the company if the company died out?

well, roms should legal as long as you own an original (unless you care for licenses, i myself don't :D)
they should also be legal if the company that produced them wont make any money with them anymore (so, the real thing would only be sold legally for collectors ;))

but if they'd get legal there would be even more ppl waiting for them becoming legal for free instead of buying them, so its still better to keep that free to the company that made em..

75 years? btw, when was the first pong made? ^^
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