Rom Sites

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Edit your post and remove this, before you get flamed. Asking for roms is against the rules!
Damn! Been here since August! Daaaaaaaaaaamn!!


Again: Daaaamn!

Edit: And he's worried about his folks finding porn on his PC!! :lol:
hey guys new to the gp2x world and all so just shoot me in the face and call me an uber noob. THen as I lie there staring back up through my blood at your greatness I can hope that I will be reborn into an animal that is worthy of your mere utterance.
Dear Admin,
please close this topic now I'm ashamed enough at my terrible usage of your great and almighty site. Now as I hang from my ceiling by a rope I will remeber never to taint and poison sites of this callibber again. Good bye world... *bleh...*
Don't take it too hard. Hopefully, you were just ignorant of the rules and that happens to many people, so you are not alone. Please don't kill yourself :ph34r: !
If he want to do it... why not?
But talking about rom sites, posting roms and that, is not allowed.
I'm not calling you noob or something like that, is just that you didn't knew that (but is common sense)
What people never mention in the flamed replies to these sort of questions is the reason why we don't talk about the Roms.

Quite simpley if we attract the wrong sort of attention to the site it will be closed down or at least give the team members a hard time trying to convince the powers that be that we aren't trading roms etc and should be allowed to keep the site up.

That LemurX is the reason why people get so annoyed when it's mentioned.

Nice Gecko by the way. I used to have a couple of Tokays myself years ago.

Edit: Typos.
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