Rom Converting


Still Fresh
Hi everybody I just got a GP2X Yesterday,and had interest in playing MAME on it for some time now but I have a problem I do not know how to convert roms,I have read the Tutorial on converting it but It admittedly confuses me.I know you may be tired of this question but can you please help me?
Yeah this is what im having problems is when you drag them I never get the complete set (3 files short in some games) and that I can never find them on the internet.
Good thing is I am starting to Get some games playing and where does this torrent site happen to be (PM Me)
On a similar note...

I'm running a mac with OSX... and I've tried to use Virtual PC to convert some ROMs to no avail (either my ROMs are incompatible (they work fine... but conversion just makes a mess) or I just don't understand ClrMamePro at all... maybe both).

Also... I'd have loved to just grab the Torrent... but I'm just now finding out that my ISP seems to have started blocking BitTorrent in the last few days.

All this on the day my GP2X arrived in the mail.

Anyone know of anything *other* than GlrMamePro to convert... or another way to grab usable ROMs pre-processed to version 0.34 (like the torrents available)?

Sorry for such a noob question... but after beating my head on my desk for the last few hours trying to do *anything* with my new paperweight, my brain has stopped working even enough to continue googling for straws to grasp at.
Also... I'd have loved to just grab the Torrent... but I'm just now finding out that my ISP seems to have started blocking BitTorrent in the last few days.
If I were you I'd get in touch with your ISP & tell them to pack it the hell in.
Torrents are wildly used these days within the opensource community for downloading (legally) programmes & live/install cd's etc. By blocking it they're forcing people to buy software that they can otherwise get for free.

Either that or change ISP ;)

p.s Sorry.. can't help with the rest. Try using a different P2P service that runs on a different port. (can you get Limewire etc. on MAC?)
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If I were you I'd get in touch with your ISP & tell them to pack it the hell in.
Torrents are wildly used these days within the opensource community for downloading (legally) programmes & live/install cd's etc. By blocking it they're forcing people to buy software that they can otherwise get for free.

Either that or change ISP ;)

You're right... I realize the legal ramifications and how my ISP is on shaky ground here. However, as is often the case, they are merely using the "legality" as a front at best... what they're really trying to do is limit people's usage of bandwidth that they're already paying for. It's a lame move either way you look at it.

But, I'm also not exactly in a position to switch ISPs either. At least, not without another set of headaches.

p.s Sorry.. can't help with the rest. Try using a different P2P service that runs on a different port. (can you get Limewire etc. on MAC?)

Mac supports pretty much every other P2P service... unfortunately, my ISP seems to be on a quest to shut down anyone not using the web for email and http. Use of Limewire automatically disconnects a user from the ISP, for example. I'd try some lesser known (sued) protocols, but typically find these to be spotty at best for finding such specific files.

Thanks for the spirit of the post though... I'm right there with you, believe me. Unfortunately I'm still kinda stuck.
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Okay... I've managed to find a workaround for the torrent deal (having someone on another ISP do me a favor as it were).

Still wouldn't mind any insights into the conversion process, if anyone feels compelled... especially experiences with doing it on a Mac through VPC or another means.

Otherwise, I'm in good shape. (And thanks for the subtle "google this" hints above)
Can anyone help me to get Popeye working?
It just displays a screen full of Green 0's and never loads the game.