Right Down To Work!

Here's an anecdote for you: Growing up, we had a colour tv in the living room and I had a black&white tv in my bedroom. I would watch the same shows interchangeably on either television, but I only remembered seeing them in full colour.

Yep, my brain filled in the colour for me - even for cartoons and stuff. I don't have a single memory of a tv show in black and white.
hmm, I know I wouldve recalled it being in black and white but I probably wouldntve cared. I find it odd that you'd recall it filled in. Interesting how different brains work differently...
quadomatic said:
I still don't have an HDTV...I wish I did, but oh well
Don't feel too bad, in a way a HDTV is a slippery slope. My Xbox 360 now looks fabbo, as do the handful of HDTV channels I get. But most of my media comes from my original Xbox running XBMC, via a 10 metre s-video cable. This looked just fine on my CRT, but SD pictures on the LCD look crap, and the new TV doesn't like the long cable run either - it's ghosted as hell.

So now I have to upgrade to a HD media centre, and start getting my TV shows in 720p. More bandwidth, more equipment, more cabling, more $$ :( Goddamn consumer treadmill.
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SomeGuy99 said:
VRAndy said:
I like HD.

I'm glad you got what you were after. Personally, I never sat down infront of my SD telly and wished it were higher resolution. But hey, that's me. I still use an SD tv! Even with my 360!

Obviously, you need new glasses.

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The people who say they prefer their SDTV are just in denial. Either never seen one or just can't afford an HDTV and want to justify the SDTV in some other way. Would prefer they be honest and say that SDTV sucks, which it does. :) Honestly, interlacing in modern digital video is an abomination. DVDs shouldve always been 480p and 1080i shouldn't even exist. Fixed pixel displays were just around the corner, and deinterlacing looks absolutely awful.
paulguy said:
The people who say they prefer their SDTV are just in denial. Either never seen one or just can't afford an HDTV and want to justify the SDTV in some other way. Would prefer they be honest and say that SDTV sucks, which it does. :) Honestly, interlacing in modern digital video is an abomination. DVDs shouldve always been 480p and 1080i shouldn't even exist. Fixed pixel displays were just around the corner, and deinterlacing looks absolutely awful.

I don't think that anyone who says they prefer their SDTV are in denial. Different things appeal to different people. Also, HDTVs may be better than SDTVs, but that doesn't mean they suck. That's like saying the PS2 sucks because the PS3 is better than it.

-God Ginrai
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paulguy said:
The people who say they prefer their SDTV are just in denial.

Or they just have lives. Or other priorities.
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paulguy said:
The people who say they prefer their SDTV are just in denial.

or they don't speak clearly... I'dd never get a HDTV yet, the price of the whole HDTV + all the required blueray player equipment and broadcast fee still cost too high... but as the price evolve I'dd surely get some HD if i'll renew my equipment in 6month...

HDTV >> SDTV... (that said I think that HDTV with a bad SD source still look worst that the same source on an old CRT... you really need the whole HD chain for it to worth it...)
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There are higher def TV's out there but not in the consumer market yet. It's called Ultra High Def or UHD. It obtains resolutions up to 4320p. Don't expect to buy one for another 10 years though, give or take. There's also risks of becoming physically ill from veiwing images on a screen at these resolutions. Dizziness, naseua, even seizures are possible. Plus right now the screens are huge so there's some obstacles to overcome yet.

Here's the wiki: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Super_Hi-Vision

As for me, I love my HD! It would kill me to have to go back to standard def. Hell, my 4 year old has one in his room, not that I purposely bought him one, it just got passed down to him. ;)

Back on topic. I'm toward the end of the line, ordered my Pandora this past Feb. Go OPT, assemble like the wind!!!
Loonie said:
paulguy said:
The people who say they prefer their SDTV are just in denial.
Or they just have lives. Or other priorities.

Or their TV room is arranged such that the eye physically cannot tell the difference between SD and HD, due to the viewing distance.

Here's one example viewing distance chart.

I've got a fairly large living room, and a 32" TV. (Bigger would be nicer, but wouldn't fit in the wall unit.)
We've moved the sofa so it's cutting the room in half, and we're still at the extreme end of the recommended viewing distance.
If I really concentrate on looking for crisp outlines, I can probably tell you if I'm watching HD or not. I'd probably still guess wrong 30% of the time.

If I stand in front of the TV, sure, the difference is plain to see. But I don't watch movies that way.
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How did this thread get about HDTVs? Anyway, I don't know how people can play PS3 or 360s on SD sets/CRTs, especially under 27". These games were made for HD in mind, the text on Banjo-Kazooie: Nuts & Bolts for 360 wasn't even readable on SD sets until there was a patch for it. You loose an incredible amount of detail and accuracy. Have you just not seen them side by side? Playing in HD for a while then switching to SD will give you a headache because of the lack of detail. Playing Morrowind on an SD CRT television after years of gaming made my eyes feel like they were on fire.

Switch between these a couple of times:
fischju2000 said:
Switch between these a couple of times:

That must be the worst example out the in the vast universe we call internet.
Let alone that one is darker then the other, I don't see ANY change in detail!

I still use a CRT monitor, however, it is an expensive (at least some years back) SONY G420. So it can't be the problem.

You know it works the other way around? If you payed for a HD TV set you HAVE to think it is better.

I have a HD TV however, we mostly use it for DVB-T and DVD so I can't see the difference. :(

BTW, as I am teh thread creator and the "tweet" was handled. We can keep talking about TVs. :)
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As mentioned HD is all about the environment that your watching it in.
If your pretty far from a small screen you'll not see any difference what so ever.
These people aren't in denial, it's just impossible to see, or if you can see it, the difference doesn't outweigh the cost.
Then you have to have the media to make use of the HD tv. (HD broadcasts, blu rays blah blah blah)
But there is a difference, I just wouldn't recommend it for everyone, as it's only as good as it's weakest link.
I've also told a lot of people don't just upgrade your tv for HD, if you wasn't planning on upgrading anyway.

I've had a projector for the last 7 or so years, and I wouldn't want to go back to my standard def one I started out with, I'd rather have a 22" standard def tv. :lol:
RajTakhar said:
can we stop with the non topic related yarn and just have one post that has real stuff in it about the first units being built

we have two threads - yet one has a load of HD/UHD/SDTV, the other one has gone bonkers or Marmite/vegimite/cheesymite :lol:

Also promite.

EDIT: Also, I agree. I check the forum every now and then from work and it would be nice to have one thread for the build news :)
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