Rf Module Support


Still Fresh
Jun 9, 2005
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I want to ma´ke a list of GP32 Progs that support multiplayer via RF Module. Please wríte down the progs you know.

Thank you :ph34r:
Maybe the Fday will offer us more multi-player possibilities???
I'm dreaming of some emu using this item ;p
I've got one of them, got it free with my GP32. And if I ever convince my friend to get a GP32 he'll probably get a free one if the offer is still going, if not, he'll buy one, I can see them having alot more uses in the future.
I have one, but AFAIK there are no other people in Portugal with a GP let alone an RF link :P

EDIT: However emulators with RF-Link capabilities for multiplayer would be the next generation step eheheh :D
I would buy a RF-link if there was some emulators I could use it with :) . I would even buy an extra GP32. :D
The only thing keeping me from adding RF-module support to my games (which are 0 by the way, unless you count my WIP :P) is that I don't know how to use the RF link in my code, and I don't have any way of testing it out, I only have one gp32, and no one else around here has one so I don't have a rf-link.
I have a GP32 Blu+ with RF Link und a buddy has one, too. But we don't have any experience in programming for gp32. So if you build a rf supporting programm you can send it to me and we'll test it.
yea, Someone make a list :P, I have 2 GP32's and was going to buy 2 RF's but theres no point if only 2 games work :P
I've tested Jump 'n Bump :P and Little Wizard in Multiplayer and it's quite boring. A Multiplayer Mode for Doom, Beats of Rage and Emus would be great if the speed of the RF Link is enough for that. Can I get the sourcecode of Jump 'n Bump anywhere to see how to use the RF Link?
me to, iv got a link and so does my friend, but we've never tested it out, il try one of the ones you recomended before though. its funny how they support 4 people but you cant even find a second person who has one...