Gp32 Gpengine V0.5

It would be so cool if version 0.5 would finally be realeased for the gp32! Then we could use savegames!

gp32_console gp32_console gp32_console gp32_console gp32_console gp32_console
This would be ace.

And if there are any unreleased F-Day builds in any nearby folders, these would be great too! :D

I've not used my GP32 since I bought my GP2x, and there is some great games for it. It'll be a good excuse to dust it down... :)
rlyeh said:
This is the first time I heard those rumours. Too bad for you guys because:

a) I think I have a GPengine 0.5 MP binary lying in my old laptop. Wanna you guys me to recover it up?
B) I think black- sent me GPEngine sources long time ago too (maybe version 0.4?). Didn't he remember that at the time of dropping the emulator? Anyways, should I back it up too?
c) I fixed SMC writing bugs long time ago while doing my emulators. I knew (and know) how to fix that.

So, this night is becoming not so dark at all :-)
Someone should contact black-- or giffel and let'em know.
Two years ago, this news could have change the scene...
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If black-- and giffel were marketers, they could have:

1). Bought loads of GP32 RF Adapters.
2). Announced multiplayer support for GPEngine.
3). Sold loads of "slightly marked up" GP32 RF Adapters.
