Reword V0.1


Sep 12, 2006
Southampton, UK
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This is a clone of a great Flash game called TextTwist I found on the Net a while ago.

The basic idea is, you have a 6 letter word that has been jumbled up and you must find as many of the 3, 4 5 and 6 letter words that can be made from it in the time allowed. You must get at least one 6 letter word to progress to the next level.

The dictionary I am using is a British word list I found (sorry can't remember where, but if I do I'll include a credit) that seems to hold a reasonable selection, which once filtered for just 3-6 letter words contains about 15000 words. The word list can be replaced or amended, and uses an additional utility I wrote that formats the list ready for the game.

This is the first game I've written for the GP2X and uses the excellent SDL. I've only been working on it for a month or so in my spare time and still learning, so loads of improvements possible such as better sound effects (please!) and some music, better graphics, possibly more comprehensive dictionary, better scoring etc, but the basic gameplay and look/feel is there now.

Download it here:,0,0,0,25,1867

It would be great to get any feedback and suggestions.
Nice job Purplepup!

Feels and sounds just like the orginal (clock ticking etc)

One bug I found is that it hangs when trying to exit from the game (if launched from gmenu2x)

But overall nicely done!

Good for when you want to exercise your brain cells! :)

So one question, you said its a british wordlist. So, color=colour. what other words are spelled differently?
jbrodack posted on Oct 19 2006 at 07:08 PM said:
yeah a US dictionary would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks for the comments guys.

Regarding a US version, it would be easy to do as it just requires a new US word list to be run through the rewordlist utility that will be released along with the game source code once its all settled down. In fact any word list can be used (Latin alphabet only at the moment I'm afraid) such as specialist or other languages. If someone wants to send me a US word list file in one word per line format, I can reformat it and release it with the game. I was thinking of putting a 'select wordlist' option into the game but for now it will just be a manual copy I think.
I'm currently still working through the word list for bad, missing or non-UK words so that the game doesn't come up with unexpected ones, but it will take a little while (as my girlfriend is the brains there and can only help out at weekends).

(fomit) A 7 letter version was originally thought about but TextTwist only used 6, and 7 would make the dictionary larger and therefore the checking of it much harder. Anyway, 1300 6 letter words should be enough for most people. Let me know when you can get 1000 words in a row and I'll think about it! :)

(diesel604) I put the reword.gpu script in as a last minute thing just before posting it, just for you guys with different menus, but it worked ok on the default menu so I assume it just needs to be changed to your new menu program. I haven't tried any other menus yet so cant test that. If it's something else please let me know. I will change reword.gpu to a Linux (LF only) format as pointed out in the archive comments when I next release. I'm developing on my Win laptop for now as I couldn't get the dev kit working on my Linux box. I'll have to try again.

Thanks again for comments.
I'm sure the next release will be very soon!

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This is a really addictive game.. especially when you get all the words and get a nice little bonus.

I think this will be staying on my SD card for a long time to come.

Edit: About the gmenu thing, just link directly to the .gpe and turn the wrapper on and it will return normally on exit.
subcon959 posted on Oct 19 2006 at 08:38 PM said:
You guys could always just learn proper English :P

Perhaps by following your example? :)
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