Retro game fanatic
One of the goals of the pandora project, and I remember hearing ED boast about it quite a bit, was the whole 'more than a computer' and alternatively, 'more than a game console' aspect of the pandora. Well, with the explosion of single board computers that appeared since the pandora's release, lots of OS centric solution have come up, matured, and the field is painted with quite the landscape of options, and to be completely honest much nicer than what came shipped on the pandora. Seeing as the pyra is in the last legs of development and consumers should start getting theirs relatively soon (2 months-ish) I feel now might be as good of time as any to explore the game console aspect of the pyra.
Most/all of the below distro's are arm based and are generally seen as the 'best' for turning your ARM device into a emulation game console. Some have built in options to get the full desktop experience, whereas others can be easily modded to create a menu option to pull up a desktop manager.
My personal preference is on batocera as I recently got a odroid go advance running that distro and I have to say, it's rather slick with integrated emulator options and system options built into the main gui. Has autodiscover framework built in and I think could be adapted with a bit of work to utilize the .pnd system. The other distro's aren't bad and have used them off/on with other devices and single board computers.
Just wanted to see people's opinions on if that would be a good route to go, and if so which distro most people preference.
Most/all of the below distro's are arm based and are generally seen as the 'best' for turning your ARM device into a emulation game console. Some have built in options to get the full desktop experience, whereas others can be easily modded to create a menu option to pull up a desktop manager.
Download - RetroPie
Contents1 Pre-made images for the Raspberry Pi1.1 BerryBoot2 Installing on top of an existing OS2.1 Raspbian on a Raspberry Pi2.2 Debian / Ubuntu on a PC2.3 Ubuntu on an ODroid-C1/C22.4 Ubuntu on an ODroid-XU3/XU43 PetRockBlock Downloads Pre-made images for the Raspberry Pi The latest pre-made...

Get Lakka
Lakka is a lightweight Linux distribution based on RetroArch that transforms a small computer like a Raspberry Pi into a full blown retrogaming console.

Recalbox Download - Channel selection
Download and install Recalbox on your Raspberry Pi, PC, handheld console or ODROID!

My personal preference is on batocera as I recently got a odroid go advance running that distro and I have to say, it's rather slick with integrated emulator options and system options built into the main gui. Has autodiscover framework built in and I think could be adapted with a bit of work to utilize the .pnd system. The other distro's aren't bad and have used them off/on with other devices and single board computers.
Just wanted to see people's opinions on if that would be a good route to go, and if so which distro most people preference.
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