Retrode 2 not working


Oct 23, 2009
I am trying to connect my Retrode 2 to my 1 GHZ Pandora. I am using the firmware it came with (super zaxxon 1.5.1 Kernel 3.2). I activated the "Start USB Network on bootup" service and after a reboot I was able to use my USB Keyboard with my OTG Adapter no problems whatsoever. But when I connect my Retrode 2 nothing happens. No dmesg entry and of course lsusb only shows the internal usb hub. So I tried a USB Hub. Again with the Keyboard no problem but with the Retrode no luck. I now get a second USB hub and a "TERMINUS TECHNOLOGY INC." device via lsusb but no new drives or input devices. Any ideas? I've seen Matthias getting the Retrode to work with OTG and USB Hub here: http://boards.openpa...rode#entry39559
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Well my Keyboard works great with the OTG adapter. As I said it doesn't work with my usb hun either but I just tried the hub and Retrode on my PC and it doesn't recognize it too. So I tried another USB Hub I had lying around and that is working. Well I guess if you buy the cheap china stuff you get what you pay for. I will buy another (hopefully better) OTG adapter/cable and report back.