Retro Gamer Issue 3


Bass Invader
Nov 1, 2003
Brighton UK
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Just pur-chased this fine publication and it comes with a cd full of Gremlin games ready for gp32 emulation!

Not checked it out yet but it looks good, recommend picking up a copy
Damn... I have been looking around for that magazine, but I haven't been able to find it. The stores I've been checking however seem to have a crap-load of german game-magazines... That's just not what I'm looking for
Damn it the only place I've seen Retro Gamer was a hospital shop where I managed to get issue 2 last week. I've seen it no where else, local shops don't have it on their lists even, and I have no reason to go back to the hospital just for issue 3. If there was a cheaper option to subscribe without the namco thing I'd do that, but there isn't .
yeah it's available in the UK,. I love seeing the advertising gallery with all the old posters.

bloody hell, issue's one and two are being sold for up to £50 on ebay!!!
Mikey posted on Apr 21 2004 at 02:33 PM said:
Damn it the only place I've seen Retro Gamer was a hospital shop where I managed to get issue 2 last week. I've seen it no where else, local shops don't have it on their lists even, and I have no reason to go back to the hospital just for issue 3. If there was a cheaper option to subscribe without the namco thing I'd do that, but there isn't .
hmm... Hospital shop you say?

(begins to break both arms and legs)
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My local shop still had copies of issue 2 last time I looked. I'll sell you one for half the normal price - just £25 :)
yeah, i got mine from easons, which is like the ireland equivelent of wh smiths.

i really enjoyed reading it, and playin the games. my issue 2 already in pretty shitty condition tho.