Sorry for the long post, but I'm trying to get this thread back on track.
So to summarize this thread, I think this is the consensus: (of course feel free to correct me)
- When deciding which hardware parts to use, freedom (i.e. availability of FOSS drivers) is an important consideration.
- The software that will ship with the hardware, should be as free as possible; if the hardware allows it, 100% free.
- We want to keep a community software repo like what we have now (maybe with a better indication/separation of licenses), that is, both free and non-free software can be uploaded and downloaded, gratis or commercially
- We want to be able to advertise that the hardware can (optionally) run non-free software (e.g. Android, RISC OS, GNU/Linux distros that include non-free software, free or non-free emulators that emulate free (rarely) or non-free ROMs, proprietary games, maybe Steam if that ever happens, etc), e.g. with YouTube videos showing footage of non-free games running on the device.
- At the same time, we don't want to give the impression that non-free software is required in order to enjoy the device. In fact, we would also advertise the wonders of Free Software running on the device, and emphasize the potential to modify anything and develop on the device itself using GNU and other Free development tools.
- If "Respects Your Freedom" certification can be obtained with the above in mind, then we should go for it.
- Otherwise (e.g. if the certification would restrict advertisement options too much), then we try to meet the criteria to the largest possible extent, but we don't apply for the certification to avoid it backfiring.
Two new points / potential issues have meanwhile been brought to attention: the GNU/Linux naming requirement, and the "no confusion with other [non-free] products" rule.
- GNU/Linux naming requirement: some of us are not happy with this requirement and consider it contradictory with ED's freedom of speech. In my opinion, it is the more appropriate name anyway (see below), so I think we should use that name anyway on the official web site and packaging. So in my opinion, it is not really an additional requirement imposed by the RYF certification, just something we would do anyway. But of course others may have different opinions on this. Even if you do see it as an additional requirement, it's not very hard to satisfy it. It's no more work than adding the obligatory ®'s if you would be shipping Microsoft® Windows®.
I understand (and even somewhat agree with) the point that we should not be told what name to use, but I still haven't seen any compelling arguments why "Linux" without the "GNU/" would actually be a better name to use (popularity/brand recognition is not really an argument, because you can still easily recognize the word "Linux" in "GNU/Linux": we're only adding information here, not removing). It's a bit weird to say "you shouldn't tell me how to call it, so you have to call it Linux and you cannot call it GNU/Linux!".
So why do I think GNU/Linux is the more appropriate name? Not just because it is historically and philosophically more accurate (and in terms of amount of code). In particular for something that looks like a small handheld gaming device, I think it is important to distinguish between simply "Linux" and "GNU/Linux", for the following reason.
On a laptop or desktop computer, when I hear or read "it runs Linux!" or "it runs GNU/Linux", there is not really a difference in my mind - in both cases I'm assuming I'm going to get a more or less fully fledged GNU/Linux distribution. On a small handheld device however, both names have a somewhat different ring to them in my mind. If you say "it runs Linux!" it means it is using a nice kernel, but for all I know, it could be a
tivoized device that doesn't allow you to run whatever software you want - I can easily imagine a handheld gaming device that would work like that: imagine something like the Pandora, but you don't get root privileges and you're stuck in something like minimenu with only a small selection of "approved" software available to be launched. Yes, it would be running the Linux kernel, but it would not be an interesting device for me. However, if you say that the handheld device runs "GNU/Linux", it is immediately clear to me that I'm also going to get all the things I have come to expect, like getting a terminal in which I can type "./configure; make; sudo make install" so I can easily compile and install nearly anything in the world of FOSS.
- The "no confusion with other products" rule means that ED would not be allowed to also sell a non-free variant of the Pandora 2 (e.g. one that ships with a bunch of proprietary games pre-installed), unless it is easily distinguishable from the RYF-certified product. That means it would need to have a different name and packaging.
While I admit that this is indeed an actual limitation, I don't think it is a particularly stringent one. ED does not currently have this limitation, but still he does not seem to feel the need to sell different types of Pandoras with different pre-installed software. I don't really see why this would be different with a Pandora 2. But even if for some reason he would want to make a variant with non-free software bundled, I think it would still make more sense to make the non-free software a "separate product" (be it an SD card or something you can download for free or for a fee), of course with an easy install procedure that could include flashing the internal storage of the device so they don't have to dedicate an SD slot to it. Also note that Android can be fully free (see e.g. Replicant), so if ED really wants to ship a dual-boot GNU/Linux - Android (or even single-boot Android), it would be possible while still getting RYF certification. I would personally ship only one OS though, so it's clear which one is the "official"/"default" one, to avoid having to double the software support tasks, and to avoid fragmenting the community.