Resident Evil 4 'Ultra HD' version coming Feb 28th


Advanced Member
Aug 24, 2011
Workington, Cumbria, UK
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Resident Evil series was one of my favorite series.  However, I stopped at Resident Evil 3 since after that they are not scary anymore and not a fan of the new gameplay style  :(
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Ultra HD? it says HD for me.  Edit: ehhh, exaggeration on purpose?

Its nice, more and more console tittles showing up on steam like Enslaved: Odyssey to the West - awesome game! and Metal Gear Rising Revengence and so on..

the Linux inventory is also increasing ; )
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Resident Evil series was one of my favorite series.  However, I stopped at Resident Evil 3 since after that they are not scary anymore and not a fan of the new gameplay style  :(
Try Resident Evil 4. I'm a massive fan of Resident Evil and 4 is really nice. The controls are a departure but it does keep the same horror feel and it does feel somewhat Resident Evil. I challenge you to not feel a twinge of oh-crap-no at the Regenerators. Can't help but wish we'd have seen Resident Evil "3.5" as it is called, though. 5 and 6, nope.
RE4 was the last good RE-game. It's a great game and all, but I wouldn't call it scary at all. It was the start of pulling the series more into the action-genre and less so into survival horror where it was born from. Part of what made RE1-2 so good and scary at the time was the hunting for more ammo, it wasn't thrown at your face like the newer games in the series. You had to conserve the little ammo that you had managed to find. The camera angles and primitive controls also added to the horror at the time these games were new.

RE4 is a good game, but at no point did I feel threatened by anything the game threw at me. I always had plenty ammo left and even the quick-knife works good early on if you're just facing one enemy at a time. I do recommend it for those who still haven't played it, just don't expect it to be a very scary game because it really isn't.
RE4 was the last good RE-game. It's a great game and all, but I wouldn't call it scary at all. It was the start of pulling the series more into the action-genre and less so into survival horror where it was born from. Part of what made RE1-2 so good and scary at the time was the hunting for more ammo, it wasn't thrown at your face like the newer games in the series. You had to conserve the little ammo that you had managed to find. The camera angles and primitive controls also added to the horror at the time these games were new.

RE4 is a good game, but at no point did I feel threatened by anything the game threw at me. I always had plenty ammo left and even the quick-knife works good early on if you're just facing one enemy at a time. I do recommend it for those who still haven't played it, just don't expect it to be a very scary game because it really isn't.
Yeah, I see what you're saying. Perhaps I'm looking at this through rose tinted glasses here :P I guess what I'm trying to say is it still felt like an acceptable title, albeit a departure, into the resident evil series, whereas later games like 5 and 6 should really have been made into a new franchise. Perhaps if they had gone back to the Code: Veronica type format after 4 then 4 would have been seen as a lovable standout rather than the beginning of the end,

I wonder what it would feel like if you deliberately, manually restricted the amount of ammo/guns you could carry. Could be interesting. 

I did really like these guys, mind.
RE4 is the series finest hour for me, definitely one of my top 10 games EVER(maybe even top 5). Yeah, it did change course from RE1-3, but the series was ready for change, and I thought RE4 made the perfect improvements to the franchise that where needed at the time. Sadly, although I found RE4 just about perfect, Capcom continued down the path of "change" and just about ruined the franchise with RE5-6.

Where we could all debate the "survival horror" gameplay of the RE1-3, with the more action specific play of part 4, the one thing I think any true fan can agree upon, is that RE is a "single" player experience, PERIOD. Once the co-op gameplay was added, I was gone and won't be back until some form of the games roots are returned.

We can all see how Capcom is currently in the financial "doghouse", and when they moved RE in to what they though fans wanted, they made a huge mistake, as they really had no idea how the series could best be moved forward. They just went where the money was. EA did the same thing with DeadSpace, as both of these games where great because they where unique to the market. Once you try to make them like every other mutiplayer action game, you kill the core audience, and market you are now trying to get, could care less as these games are poor substitutes for what the best sellers in that genre actually are.

RE4 will always be my favorite of the franchise, and looking at Capcom's current situation, I'm sure it will be the way indefinitely.

RE4 is the series finest hour for me, definitely one of my top 10 games EVER(maybe even top 5). Yeah, it did change course from RE1-3, but the series was ready for change, and I thought RE4 made the perfect improvements to the franchise that where needed at the time. Sadly, although I found RE4 just about perfect, Capcom continued down the path of "change" and just about ruined the franchise with RE5-6.

Where we could all debate the "survival horror" gameplay of the RE1-3, with the more action specific play of part 4, the one thing I think any true fan can agree upon, is that RE is a "single" player experience, PERIOD. Once the co-op gameplay was added, I was gone and won't be back until some form of the games roots are returned.

We can all see how Capcom is currently in the financial "doghouse", and when they moved RE in to what they though fans wanted, they made a huge mistake, as they really had no idea how the series could best be moved forward. They just went where the money was. EA did the same thing with DeadSpace, as both of these games where great because they where unique to the market. Once you try to make them like every other mutiplayer action game, you kill the core audience, and market you are now trying to get, could care less as these games are poor substitutes for what the best sellers in that genre actually are.

RE4 will always be my favorite of the franchise, and looking at Capcom's current situation, I'm sure it will be the way indefinitely.


Tell you what I bloody loved, yet every single other person on the planet seemingly hated: Resident Evil Outbreak. The AI was good for the time, the zombies were menacing, the story and atmosphere of the game was real and terrifying. It was hard, there was no QTE's. There was a Zombie Elephant.

That. God. Damn. Leach. Man.

I just wish there had been a way to make the AI more or less agreeable. I did kike the way they sometimes did their own thing but I'd have liked to have a closer team on some of the harder missions. I guess that was what Online was for.
I never really understood why so many talk about RE4 comparing it to RE1 or RE2, ignoring the other two great NGC titles RE Remake and RE Zero. I'm a big fan of the series and loved RE Zero. It introduced I few changes without ruining it or making it a completely different game. I liked the idea of the two-character-system (Rebecca and Billy) as well as being able to place items almost anywhere on the map (not just the item boxes). I wished they had kept the gameplay of RE Zero at least for a few further episodes. The gameplay of RE4 and the following titles has nothing to do with RE for me. The series ended with the Remake of RE1 and RE Zero on the cube. After that they kept the name, a few weapons and even fewer characters. That's it.

Don't misunderstand me, RE4 is a good game and I really enjoyed it (on NGC that is). But it just wasn't a Resident Evil title to me any more. Neither were it's successors. I'd gladly give my money for a remake of RE Zero though.
I never really understood why so many talk about RE4 comparing it to RE1 or RE2, ignoring the other two great NGC titles RE Remake and RE Zero. I'm a big fan of the series and loved RE Zero. It introduced I few changes without ruining it or making it a completely different game. I liked the idea of the two-character-system (Rebecca and Billy) as well as being able to place items almost anywhere on the map (not just the item boxes). I wished they had kept the gameplay of RE Zero at least for a few further episodes. The gameplay of RE4 and the following titles has nothing to do with RE for me. The series ended with the Remake of RE1 and RE Zero on the cube. After that they kept the name, a few weapons and even fewer characters. That's it.

Don't misunderstand me, RE4 is a good game and I really enjoyed it (on NGC that is). But it just wasn't a Resident Evil title to me any more. Neither were it's successors. I'd gladly give my money for a remake of RE Zero though.
I personally never compare RE4 to 1-3, in the same way I don't compare Super Mario Bros to Mario Galaxy. Even though Galaxy is way above and beyond Mario Bros, I still find it to be a true progression of the original games. This is the same way I look at RE1-3(REMake/Zero), along side RE4. They are different games, but at the heart, they are the same, at least to me(just evolved). I know many don't see it that way, and consider the original titles separate from RE4, 5, and 6. I personally look at RE4 as a separate franchise to that of 5 and 6, as those games seem very different to me overall, and have gone off of the "RE" rails so to speak. 

Has anyone here played RE Revelations? It was very good and was the closest to the original games in years. A very solid title. I only played the 3DS version, but I do believe it's available on the consoles as well.

Has anyone here played RE Revelations? It was very good and was the closest to the original games in years. A very solid title. I only played the 3DS version, but I do believe it's available on the consoles as well.


I also played Revelations on my 3DS and as with RE4 I really liked it. But again it's totally different from the Resident Evil series, at least to me. Especially when it comes to a characteristic I would call the heart of a series, this would be exactly the point, where imho the titles up to RE4 differ from the rest. It's actually a very good point and I think that is exactly the term I missed in my last post: the more recent RE-Titles lack a heart or a personality. They just fit too easy in the mass of other action/horror titles, missing the genius to outstand in any aspect worth mentioning.

Besides, Revelations kind of reminded me of Resident Evil: Dead aim (due to the plot), which itself was no true/complete RE title of course.
This is really starting to make me want to add "Classic Resident Evil Style Survival Horror" to my list of "Games to develop when you have the time"  :lol:   My fondest childhood memories are of being terrified as Mr X/T-103 bursts through the wall as my brother plays.

What did you guys thing of Code Veronica X? That always stood out as an absolutely solid Resident Evil to me, slightly tainted when I reached fighting the Tyrant on the plane to find I had no ammunition left  :rolleyes: