Reseting Mame4All Button Settings Back To Default


Still Fresh
Aug 7, 2011
Hey..I've made changes to my Control Button Mapping for MAME4ALL..but I made a change that prevents me from accessing the Settings Menu. I have it where I hold SELECT+MENU+L+R to got back to my Rom Listings. This is the same Command to bring up the Settings Menu. All it does now is take me back to the Rom Listing..yet I see the Settings pop up a Split-Sec. before I'm back at the Rom Listings. Now I'm trying to figure how can I go back in on my PC and maybe change the Settings back to the Default. I've tried even to Overwrite the Files with the Original ones..and still no change. I'm kinda convinced those Control Settings is Written to all the Roms now. So what's next to do? I kinda right of the Settings being Written to all the Roms now?
It won't write anything to the ROMs. My guess is it created a single new config file that isn't one of the "original files". You just need to find that and delete it to reset MAME4ALL back to its default settings, or maybe you can even edit it to change the bad setting.
HunterZ said:
It won't write anything to the ROMs. My guess is it created a single new config file that isn't one of the "original files". You just need to find that and delete it to reset MAME4ALL back to its default settings, or maybe you can even edit it to change the bad setting.

Hmm..I suppose you're right. I've looked into the "cfg" Folder..and I have a whole messload of .cfg Files in there. So I'm not sure which one is the exact and Main .cfg File to change the Button Settings back to the Default. Keep in Mind I Downloaded the whole RomPack that's why so many .cfg Files are in there too.
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Can you sort the list of cfg files by modification date? That should put the main one near the top I'd think.

Also, are the controls messed up in all games, or just in a single game?
I think I I'm gonna sort the cfg Files to Mod Date..btu then Controls in the Game aren't mess up though. It's more of where I can't have the Configuration Menu to Pop Up since I made that be for going back to the Rom Listings. Every game uses the same Control Scheme..even though I wish to Mod them around..and plaus get some of the games Screen to fit Punch-Out and how you can see about only the Bottom Center instead of the whole Game Screen